Chinese Style Censorship is Coming To Canada: Steven Guilbeault and The Liberal Party of Canada and The NDP Want To Control What Canadians can see on the Internet (Internet Nanny)(Canadian BRAIN DRAIN) – July 31, 2021,
I keep reading about people saying why are all of these corporations going to China? The answer is simple, freedoms are being stripped from people in Western World. Free government checks in exchange for freedom. Some call it security, I prefer to call it by its proper name “mental slavery”. Why think when you can outsource your thinking to someone else.
The Liberals and the Left, in general, had gotten used to their monopoly on information during the period in which The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) had a monopoly on information. Back then unless you read books or articles by Conservative writers, you would have been fully indoctrinated by the Left.
Many of us have parents and grandparents fully indoctrinated by the Left, being that I speak a few Latin Languages, in some languages, Conservative words are common to their native tongue. In Africa, as an example, one of the main reasons socialism is so dominant in Africa is because the people speak French and there aren’t too many Maxime Bernier types in French-speaking Africa.
A similar is true in Latin America, the Democrats Party in America is often shocked how many Hispanic Americans become Conservative once they learn or master the English language. Liberals can’t win a debate, because their ideology is centered on centralized control.
Leftists want to control how a person thinks, they want to control the narrative so you look to them for the answers. That’s how Leftism works, it’s one of the reasons most people are against central banking because in reality, Canada is BANKRUPT, and usually, poverty ends stupidity, not for everyone, but for the productive people in society.
All of these Liberal ideas, are pushing Canada closer to bankruptcy. Of course, it doesn’t feel or look like it now, but you’ll see. Anyway once content like mine is censored and Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, and other entities begin country restricting content, and as a Canadian you find yourself locked out of the outside world, from an economics standpoint if you thought the brain drain was bad now, you won’t recognize Canada a decade from now.
Interesting times ahead