The John Cena White Monkey Template: How To Know If a Celebrity or Public Figure Sold Out To The Chinese Communist Party – May 26, 2021,
Because I have friends who live in mainland China I have to tell many of you reading this, that they’re rather perplexed with what’s going on with the Western World. They like many, assumed that the Chinese Communist Party would have fallen because the rebellious West wouldn’t allow themselves to be serfs and slaves to the Chinese Communist Party.
“Do you recognize The Nation of Taiwan?”
In all fairness, to avoid war, many people in mainland China are simply waiting for the Chinese Communist Party to fall, there are some who are fully brainwashed by the CCP, many of them of course are women, but a large enough number of adult men know the CCP propaganda, and they tolerate it primarily because, well, taking down a totalitarian regime is no easy feat and if the times not right, no individual is going to risk their or their families lives to defeat the Chinese Communist Party.
With that said, White monkey jobs are nothing new, it’s just shocking for some of us to see A-List public figures like LeBron James and John Cena going out of their way to prop up the Chinese Communist Party. Now the clip below basically shows you that American professional wrestler John Cena sold his soul years ago, to those of you who think because of the Donald Trump connection that the WWE is conservative, think again at best it’s an A-political organization.
Furthermore, John Cena is in bed with all sorts of Leftist Hollywood organizations, and I’m pretty sure his contracts state that his soul belongs to Hollywood and of course, as many of us know, China owns a large chunk of Hollywood. so the video of John Cena begging the Chinese Communist Party for forgiveness shouldn’t shock anyone who does their research.
What was more shocking was how fluent John Cena could speak Mandarin, which brought light to how bad this problem is. Anyway, with that said I see opportunity in all of this. Because Taiwan s such a sensitive topic to the Chinese Communist Party, now would be a good time for Westerners to start asking their favorite celebrities ON CAMERA “Do you recognize The Nation of Taiwan?”
Now, obviously, if the person says No, they’re potentially a Chinese Agent, but if they avoid the question and the reporter asks them to do their research and in future interviews, the said public figure avoids the question, it’s not saying they’re a Chinese agent, but at least you know they’re fearful of the Chinese Communist Party and this is a victory for freedom because contracts are voluntary.
Some people are willing to sell themselves to Hollywood or sell themselves for money, that’s fine, but I think it’s time to draw a line in the sand. We all may inadvertently d something that we later regret and that’s fine, but, we should be able to differentiate fact from fiction. I don’t know John Cena to be a political person, I’ve heard that “The Rock” has considered politics, there have been a few professional wrestlers/actors who got into politics and all this is well and good, but if the destruction of Western Society is not important to them, then I think the public has a right to know.
Furthermore, if the Chinese Communist Party fell today when people look back and if the then freed Chinese are able to speak freely, I’m sure we’ll learn that what’s happened under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party would have been way worse than anything Hitler or Stalin ever did!
Remember the video below is John Cena going out of his way to parrot Chinese Communist Party talking points.
In closing, for someone like myself, I’m not surprised in the least, Bernie Sanders honeymooned in Russia during the Cold War era. There are a lot of communist sympathizers all over the world. Socialists and communists tend to be more greedier and short-sighted than capitalists. For myself as a capitalist, I don’t want anyone thinking they own me, I like to imagine myself as my on boss, I like having the FREEDOM to complain about my government and not worry about them locking me up or stripping me of my resources.
One of the main reasons all forms of socialism and communism fail is because Leftists are short-sighted, when they sell out, they don’t understand that some of us are keeping records and we’re no longer going to INTENTIONALLY finance them.
I’m not working for the government, even if the government strips me of freedoms, I’ve read about the Native Indian tribes and how they make governments kneel, the whites colonized Africa, last time I checked Africa is still majority black and brown, even Putin has to allow the Russian people the freedom to travel, we all know how people do things in the middle east!
In mainland China, a lot of people hoard foreign currency and send their children to Western schools, I say this because control freaks and totalitarians don’t understand that we freedom fighters will use everything at our disposal to make sure that you totalitarian Leftists know that we’re not all John Cena white monkeys.
Being a slave is a choice, John Cena has been rich for years, it’s not even to say he just became rich and maybe signed a bad contract to get into the door, he is a weak and pathetic man, who only RECENTLY became a father. He was rich before becoming a father, any contract he signed after the fact he has to own it.
The point I want to drill home here is to ask a public figure on camera if they recognize the Nation of Taiwan! If they answer with anything other than yes, see them for what they are! I want to make clear that I think we’re all complicit in this, I often write about minimum wages, Welfare, and other government regulations primarily because all of these big government initiatives that make us in the west entitled and lazy are being financed by Slavery. The people in Mainland China aren’t free and the Chinese economy would have failed, if the Western World embraced free-market capitalism instead of this corporatist Welfare State fueled by debt our governments can never pay back!
Interesting times ahead!