Themes and House Ideas
There are dozens of TV shows and information devoted to home improvement and renovations, home decorating and real estate investment strategies, including selling or buying a house. So the question is where do i go to get good House theme ideas, I personally don’t think the internet is the best place.
It’s better to go look at some homes and find inspiration there but if you would prefer to look around online I would type in dream home in google or another popular search engine and start your search for ispiration. you also might want to check out real estate websites in general, since your your only looking for ideas you could type in words like “celebrity mansions” “beautiful homes” or anything else you could think of.
You just need to get some ideas and when the ideas take root it will take off. Also you might consider checking out some model homes in your area i always find that helps because you can see what some else is doing and take that idea and add your idea to it. Many times people like things and reuse that idea with an idea they have swirling around in there head I recommend you try that.
Be more observant of any area your in what do you like about this and that house and then go out and make it happen for your home. That way your not stealing someones idea your borrowing and at the same time i’m sure that person should be flattered. Many ideas we have are rooted from someones elses idea I guess it’s human nature or maybe some ould call it evlolution what ever you call it look around for inspiration. I highly recommend going out to find it as opposed to looking just online because alot of the time the way it looks online is not as good as how it looks in real life.