Globalist Janet Yellen Wants To Internationalize The Corporate Taxes To Prevent The United States Government From Going Bankrupt – March 17, 2021,
Global Socialism is what most people call Globalism and this way of thinking is actually derived from Karl Marx, who imagined a Global Socialist(Globalist) order in the Communist Manifesto. Late Stage Capitalism is Globalism, and whether you want to call them Progressives, Leftists, Democrats, or Liberals, because of human behavior hell-bent on seeking a GOD of some sort to worship, or a perfect socio-economic solution, all roads in prosperous nation lead back to Late Stage Capitalism.
So not only is “Yield Curve Control” which are price and asset controls being normalized but now we have what we all know is a conflict of interest with former Federal Reserve chairwoman Janet Yellen, now being anointed by Joe Biden as the United States Secretary of the Treasury basically… blurting out communist rhetoric.
Let me be clear to the reader, Janet Yellen is no ordinary woman, she’s sees what most of us market participants see, which is the Federal Government being forced into a position of austerity. Now, we all know the U.S government would rather go to war than admit that it can’t pay for all the free goodies it promised to voters, so what Janet Yellen in her ignorance of sovereignty and global competitiveness is proposing is an end to the U.S dollar being the worlds reserve currency.
You see when you’re drunk with power, you tend to forget the reason most countries are fueling the U.S dollar as the worlds reserve currency has to do with the stupidity of America’s political class. As I’ve pointed out time and time again American dollars are often worth more outside the United States than they’re worth inside the United States.
That’s why most countries play along with this silly Euro-dollar game. Furthermore, America tends to have lower tariffs than other nations, America’s military is also of some benefit, in Canada as an example, our military is severely underfunded, why? Because of the stupid leaders in the American government allowing their intelligence agencies to start wars all over the place.
Americans per-capita are the most entrepreneurial people on the planet, and these profit-seeking entrepreneurs consistently make a mockery of their power-hungry greedy politicians, who often forget that the government requires the private sector to enact the promises politicians make to voters.
If let’s say the Green New Deal becomes law, the government will contract that dirty labor-intensive work to private entities, well, the Late Stage Capitalism crowd, assumes that in time the Government can simply nationalize these private contractors, but as China and Cuba know, humans, become less productive when they work or are enslaved by the government. I sure as shit wouldn’t work hard if my government forced me to build a world in which guarantees the slavery of me and my future generations.
One of the main reasons the Israeli army as an example is so powerful is its decentralized approach to warfare. centralization in all of the forms via a government, is comical, even when the believers in centralization win, the best result is the Chinese Communist Party, which is economically fueled by allowing free-market zones in China.
So I don’t know, maybe Lord Janet is right, let’s get those scumbag seekers of profitability and make them less profitable in a manner the central planners believe is socially acceptable. How dare those people making a lot of money try to prevent the government from growing even bigger, the U.S government which already has the ability to benefit from the Federal Reserve needs even more money and even more power, so they can help the working poor that they typically never help because they need more money, to do the whole social justice thing?
I personally thought the Justin Trudeau (current Prime Minister of Canada) cabinet/administration had the lowest economic IQ in the G7 nations, but that Joe Biden fella, he sure knows how to pick em. You tell em, Janet, you tell those greedy people that you’re the queen of this sh*t and you’re gonna make the U.S government richer by hook or by crook!
and then after you control those greedy evil capitalists you will get your old buddy Ben Bernanke and the two of you will ride in a helicopter and make it rain on the American voter!
Interesting times ahead