Special Interest Groups Control The Media and @JoeBiden: Federal Government is Paid Via The Struggling Private Sector and Biden signs $15 minimum wage for federal contract workers – April 28, 2021,
So as most people know, the Federal Government has no money. What made America at one point the richest nation on earth was the fact that the government was small, in fat American history is filled with public servants who shared beds. Yes, in American history politicians used to sleep in the same bed, because there were no taxes to collect, a politician was merely a figurehead of the republic who had to abide by the same laws as every other citizen.
In the year 2021, the Joe Biden administration proses raising taxes on the private sector and then uses the money his administration steals from the private sector to raise the pay scales of the people he hires to do public sector jobs.
Making matters worse is that America is trillions of dollars in debt, interest rates which are currently set by the American central bank are near zero, homelessness is on the rise primarily because of these near-zero interest rate policies which benefit rising asset prices, which in actuality equate to a debasing U.S dollar within the United States and America because of government inflated wages is finding herself uncompetitive globally as U.S dollars are more valuable outside of the United States than they are within the United States.
This new world order we’re living under is creating an imbalance of trade that’s going to catch a lot of people by surprise. As I’ve been saying for years, if there are no austerity measures on the horizon at best we’re witnesses the American empire reach its decline. Hopefully, for the sake of WELFARE-loving Americans, this decline is a gradual decline and not a rapid decline.
I’ve been saying for years, Franklin D. Roosevelt was the worst U.S President of all time, But as some Libertarians point out Woodrow Wilson should be added to the list for helping to facilitate the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank. Topping it off was of course Lyndon B. Johnson who I remind the reader was initially the Vice President.
I say this not only to point out the failures of Joe Biden but to also point out that Kamala Harris is waiting in the weeds. As radical as Joe Biden is, Kamala Harris promises to be twice as radical, she like most women is egalitarian imagining herself to be a savior of mankind.
So what is the end game you ask? I’ve argued for years that the U.S dollar might outlast the viability of the U.S government. All it takes is for Russia and China to decide we’re not doing this anymore and empire America is through. Now, as many people know the end of the British Empire didn’t equate to the end of the British Pound.
It’s hard for totalitarian governments to forcibly get people off of their currencies, and totalitarians can’t function under a Gold Standard, but… there are a lot of Western Nations that no longer innovate. Being that wealth is innovation, what I’m getting at is that innovation may soon become mobile, which will equate to a new world that many of us will have a hard time recognizing!
If people ever wondered if special interest groups control the media and Joe Biden, never has it been so blatant!
Biden signs $15 minimum wage for federal contract workers | usnews.com
Interesting times ahead