Justin Trudeau’s Global Embarrassment Tour Continues. Protestors In London England Force Trudeau To take a detour to 10 Downing Street – March 8, 2022,
To people who think what Justin Trudeau did with Freedom Convoy protestors is going away? You’re mistaken, his abuse of power with the Emergencies Act was on full display for all to see. We’re talking Western Democracies here and Trudeau embarrassed all of us.
Now, again like to remind people, that the main reason I believe Trudeau enacted the Emergencies Act had to do with the Tow Truck drivers REFUSING to tow the trucks of their fellow truckers, but you see the real serious violation Trudeau made was Freezing bank accounts without a court order.
There is no coming back from that, messing with hardworking people’s livelihoods because they protested? treating your own TAX PAYING countrymen as terrorists? a polarizing figure like that get’s lost in history and the only thing people will remember about him is all the bad things he did!
Sure, some people don’t see the big deal in freezing bank accounts, but for the rest of us, this can’t be forgotten and it’s for this reason, that he’ll be etched in history as a TYRANT! I even think after it’s all said and done, his own supporters will avoid speaking of him in public.
Interesting times ahead!