Hilarious Content From The CBC in Canada: THIEVES Are Targeting EV Charging Stations for the FREE COPPER, And The CBC Person says “Somebody’s doing $1000 of damage for $5 worth of Copper” ๐ – February 4, 2024
If you’re not comprehending the title of this article, it’s because you don’t know what a THIEF is. So, first and foremost, let’s define THEFT.
Theft is the act of taking another person’s property or services without that person’s permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.
If you understand THEFT, you understand why governments REDISTURUBTING PROPERTY for their own objectives is WRONG and should be illegal, however if you, imagine theft as a fluid word that means whatever the government or the people in charge want it to mean, then you get the following CBC news content
$1,000 of damage for $5 worth of copper: Why EV charging stations are being targeted
| cbc.ca
Electric vehicle drivers and companies who set up public EV chargers are equally frustrated with thieves and vandals who have been targeting the stations hoping to turn a profit.
I have law enforcement in my family, so I hear things; for example, some people in law enforcement are PAID to get into the mind of a criminal. So, one of the beauties of being a THEIF, is flexibility of schedule, imagine, a nights work involved stripping an EV station of it’s copper.
If I’m a professional thief my business overhead is likely close to ZERO. Furthermore, if I’m able to STRIP down copper, the idea is not ONE job; it’s doing multiple jobs, I may not even simply be stealing copper, I may also be stealing platinum, silver, and gold, and if I’m a professional thief, maybe I start by selling off to a local junkyard, both then maybe eventually I get smart enough to melt down the copper myself, potentially in a form that is in HIGH DEMAND in the marketplace, this entire process because I’m a THIEF is FREE, minus my time and labor.
Most self-employed persons end up working for FREE anyway, in terms of donating their time and LABOR, but since the CBC person is imaging the THIEF as a law-abiding citizen, I may as well call this or these copper thieves “Steal Copper Incorporated.”
Their business overhead expense is zero, and the best part of Steal Copper Inc. is if they get caught, the LAW ABIDING TAXPAYER is on the hook for all their legal expenses.
Because most of Canada is already BROKE, the justice system in Canada will likely cut a deal with “Steal Copper Inc.” which equates to Steal Copper Inc. having the PERFECT business model.
Now, as we know these EV suppliers in order to get back the $1000’s the lost will have to pass higher costs over to their consumers, who may also be the same people voting for the EV mandates, so this is where GOVERNMENT theft comes into play and you can see the HARMONY involved in the entire process.
Because as prices rise to appease the “climate change alarmists,” everyone else ends up paying the bills. Because as you can clearly see those two individuals on the CBC, imagine that $5 is not worth the hassle of getting FREE COPPER. This is the perfect example of how stupid some people are.
How does this person even have a job, who in their right mind would allow something so stupid to even be published? The article is literally titled $1,000 of damage for $5 worth of Copper: Why EV Charging Stations are Being Targeted.
Trudeau government increased federal employees 40% since election in 2015 | nationalpost.com
Spending on the public service has also grown since the 2019-20 fiscal year, increasing by 32-per-cent
Bryan Passifiume
Published Jul 10, 2023 โข Last updated Jul 10, 2023
Let’s say I love chocolate, but I’m a THIEF, the chocolate I want only costs $1.25, but I’m a THEIF, now in your mind, you’re thinking, it’s only $1.25, but me as a THIEF, I’m saying that’s $1.25 that I do not have to spend, to taste the SWEET CHOCOLATE.
Now, the store owner is not the beneficiary of the CBC or EV mandates, nor will the store owner get a cash windfall from the government. What the store owner will get if they tell their insurer about theft problems are higher PREMIUMS from their insurance company.
When a store owner loses $1,000 worth of STOLEN property, nobody cares; that’s not even newsworthy; however, if the story revolves around GOVERNMENT MANDATE, which is also centered in THEFT, that’s not only newsworthy, that also requires the CBC mentioning the COST OF DOING BUSINESS.
Construction sites are riddled with theft and people are often taking expensive equipment just for the PARTS, it’s a NUMBERS game at the end of the day, and precious are metals are all RECYCLABLE.
The word recyclable is very important; one of the reasons we have this giant theft market for precious metals markets is that the GOVERNMENT is embedded in the waste management business in Canada, which is one of the main reasons why we have these types of theft in the first place.
Waste management, as most Canadians learned, was actually being EXPORTED; why? Because the government overly regulated waste management to the point that no private business wanted any parts of certain segments, in fear their business might be destroyed by government regulations.
If you’re getting into the waste management business in Canada, you’d better make sure you put a lot of money aside for a LOBBYIST because these environmentalist types make it their mission to destroy private businesses.
So, entire waste management markets that exist in other countries don’t exist in Canada, and what typically happens is that people interested in electronics eventually figure out how many precious metals exist in machines and electronic devices, and from there, the black market evolves on its own.
Let’s say that copper is $5 Canadian stripped bare but melted and shaped in a different form is $15. Now scale that up. When precious metals are recycled, all traces of them in their prior form are GONE!
But you see, this is the problem with the CBC and BIG GOVERNMENT in general: they’re idiots, they don’t live in the real world, they have their cushy radio desk job and like attracts like, so they invite like-minded people, and that’s why watching the CBC in Canada is COMICAL.
Interesting times ahead!