For people like myself, I love the tech sector, because it’s the lat remaining sector that isn’t as propped up by government PRICE CONTROLS. For example, I don’t consider Tesla Inc. a legitimate company, as it relies on government subsidies as well as government preferential treatment to be a viable commodity in the marketplace.
Now, before all of you Elon Musk blow hards get your panties in a bunch, I’m not saying Tesla wouldn’t be profitable in the marketplace without governemnt subsidies, but it definitely wouldn’t be valued where it is today.
Most large investors attach Tesla Inc. to the globalist, climate alarmist agenda that pursues the FORCED implementation of the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) agenda.
This ESG National Environmental Socialism agenda revolves around wealth redistribution, to people and entities, THE western GOVERNMeNTS imagine are worthy OF forced CAPITAL appreciation.
In the real world, ESG is called crony-capitalisms or corporatism, however politicians and the main stream media are very talented at label tyranny is something worthy of global pursuit.
I bring this up because there are a lot of BAD tech ideas that are still being propped up because we have a lot of propped-up billionaires. By propped up I mean we have a lot of people with a lot of money, who are there PURELY because they have politicians and IDIOT voters in their back pockets.

If I, as a PROFIT SEEKING business person, can sell your dumb-ass on this idea that the weather is changing and only THE GOVERNMENT can stop it, and I already bought up a few politicians to make sure that my private business is not only protected from loss but is also guaranteed government contractions and government monopolies in the private sector, am I really a good business person, or do I simply know how to play the POLITICAL game?
So, as I’m writing this, don’t imagine that Whitney Wolfe is the worst of the worst, in a Capitalst system, we all come up with STUPID business ideas, and these bad ideas SHOULD be allowed to fail. What I’m saying is that there are a lot of Whitney Wolfe’s that aren’t being allowed to FAIL.
Too Big to Fail has become NORMALIZED, the only mistake Whitney Wolfe made was that she entered the competitive world of online dating and thankfully, online dating has no BOTTOM.
Meaning that if you dating APP sucks, you will go bankrupt, with most dating APPs, as I’ve pointed out they’re trying to be everything to everybody. Most people know this blog for promoting NICHE dating websites, and the list is VERY tiny, because this blog is a miniscule fish in a giant ocean, so the intention of this blog is NOT to be all things to everybody.
The beauty of capitalism is supposed to be the DECENTRALIZATION of things, mixed with the MORALITY of the population. The end goal of Judeo-Christian civilization is for us to be able to GOVERN ourselves without increasing the size of the government.
Key in this development will always be the SOUND relationship between men and women. We have to love and respect each other as well as look into the future and imagine a SUSTAINABLE world in which central planners are laughed at.
Because central in Christianity is Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, and even if you imagine Jesus Christ as overrated because you’re an atheist or non-believer, Jesus Christ BROKE THE RULES without being violent; he was a rebel in his time; he was non-violent, his words undermined the CENTRAL PLANNERS of his era.
Humans aren’t supposed to be under STATIC rules, who the F*ck do these central planners think they are, the FREE MARKET, gives us a glimpse into smart and STUPID IDEAS.
People make free market capitalism appear like something that needs to be controlled by BIG GOVERNMENT, that’s the complete opposite of what should be happening, we should be using these moments in history to better the human condition, not have some political corrupt central planner, decide what direction they FEEL humanity should toward.
The niche dating market WORKS because we’re all different and the value of women in the dating market place DEMANDS special attention to DETAIL. I write favorably about Adult Friend Finder which a site that typically is rated 2-2.5 out of 5 by most honest reviewers.
Why do I give Adult Friend Finder my support, because it’s a transparent service, that caters to the female population in a unique way. Adult Friend Finder has entertainment-based services. Have you ever used Tinder? It’s most boring dating APP ever unless, you get a match, which as a man is RARE. When it comes to adult dating, I imagine the experience the way I’d image purchasing a stock, Adult Friend Finder is CLEARLY not perfect, but you can’t deny that it’s created legitimate connections.
Now, if you don’t connect using that APP, you’re obviously going to give it a low score, but it’s been online since 1995, and it’s a premium service, which should tell you that it’s doing something right. What did Adult Friend Finder figure out? It has to be a niche dating website, and accept the outcome that growth will be stagnant.
Now, because I’m an older man myself, I obviously look out for my demographic, the welfare state in the west, have changed women minds about dating older men. Most of us older men have fathers who are significantly older than our mothers.
Eww, why would a younger woman date an older man? Most abusive relationships are between men and women who are close in age. Younger men have a lot of growing up to do, and unfortunately, a lot of younger men will NEVER grow up. Now, if you’re a woman with common sense, sure, the younger men might be more attractive, but the older men offer you financial security and more LIBERTY.
Most attractive women, find ONE sugar daddy, and stick with him, and they enjoy a life that women who marry feminism or who marry the government will never enjoy. This is common freaking sense, and the women who came before these modern women know this, women who live outside of the western world tend to know this instictively.
Work smarter not harder, marry smarter, don’t risk your TIME on a developing man who man not be worth the investment. The older man is already established. He’s likely not going to change much once he hits 40, which means SAFETY AND SECURITY.
So, for men, the niche dating website I recommend is Foreign Affair. People of lower intelligence, assume that dating outside of the West is exploitatation, well, for the record a lot of the women using Foreign Affair are not only self sufficient and not living off governemnt welfare, but they also don’t need to live at home with mommy and daddy.
Men also join Foreign Affair because it has IN-PERSON MEET-UPS as part of the service, so men no longer have to worry about being scammed, by scammers using dating APPs like tinder.
Now, obviously, Foreign Affair isn’t cheap, targets mature men of a certain age bracket, because that’s what most INTELLIGENT women are looking for. Sex is overrated, sure sex sells, but not that well after you ejaculate.
Most of us crave stability, certainty but the government or some social justice group can’t create perfection; we’re not a static species we need to evolve NATURALLY and the market place helps us to that.
I think some people are over-reacting to the failure of Whitney Wolfe, we all have failing business, and yes I know the backstory, but none of us are perfect, so get over it. Jesus forgives all, I personally think feminism is a failing concept, as it guarantees women will be LESS secure in society.
Recently the current President Joe Biden through open the Southern and NORTHERN border and a lot of hostile actors to the U.S. have entered the country. In South Asian, the Middle east and Latin America, RAPE cultures still exists, so much so that a lot of rapes go unreported.
Why women should want a Western Christian man is that majority of us DO NOT rape women, in fact we will fight for laws that protect women. Why do we do this, because we know women are not physically and even sometimes not mentally strong enough to handle AGRESSIVE immoral manipulative males.
Feminism is nothing but words, enforcing femism is requires MORAL men enslaved and under the control of feminists, who in the market place haven’t proven their social hierarchal structure is a viable commodity to anyone except for BETA males.
Canadian Feminist Prime Minister
One of the easiest men for criminals to break are Beta males. Criminals men, don’t believe in morals or laws, they’re untamed, their main strategy is manipulation. Most alpha males know this, this is why alpha males can easily destroy criminal males.
As everyone knows the only thing stopping moral men from destroying criminals is the bureaucratic CENTRALIZED process. Good trumps evil when Good is granted the Liberty to do so. In closing, I like seeing bad ideas FAIL, Bumble was a bad idea from the start, but I wanted to make sure the readers understand that’s not the only bad idea in the marketplace.
There are a lot of bad ideas, that I’d like to see fail in the coming years, we need to end the cradle to grave welfare for individuals and entities. Let liberty reign
Former Billionaire Whitney Wolfe Herd Out As Bumble CEO Amid Stock’s 80% Slide
Wolfe Herd will exit her current post and become Bumble’s executive chairwoman Jan. 2, handing over the CEO reins to Lidiane Jones, who currently serves in the same capacity at workplace messaging service Slack.The move follows an extended slide for Bumble stock since the company’s February 2021 initial public offering; Bumble’s $13.67 share price at Friday’s market close was 83% below its all-time high of $78.89 achieved in its first week of trading.
Interesting times ahead!