If you live in Canada, you’re born here, you’re a naturalized citizen, you’re likely unaware of how bad a lot of Canada’s economic policies are. Canada, has the benefit of sharing borders with the United States, which allows Canada, to get away with economic policies, most nations in the world would NEVER get away with.
Supply management, for example, is “successful” in Canada because Canada shares a border with the United States, and the U.S., which imports a lot of food into Canada, picks up the slack where Canadian PRICE CONTROLS are wreaking havoc.
The Canadian dollar is strong, which allows Canadians to import things for cheap, but Canada’s DOMESTIC economic policy is the main reason why SLAVERY is being used to describe Canada’s temporary foreign workers program, which even to be fair to Justin Trudeau, is not slavery at all.
What’s actually happening is that all the PRICE CONTROLS in the Canadian economy via Justin Trudeau’s tax hikes have forced the COST OF LIVING upwards. Canada’s overpriced housing market, for example, is the result of DOMESTIC economic policies in Canada, which HAVE NOT been allowed to fail.
So let’s say you’re a foreign worker entering Canada; it’s not that you’re being treated like a slave; it’s that the DOMESTIC value of the Loonie is WORTHLESS. The purchasing power of the Canadian dollar IN CANADA is worthless.
As I’ve been writing for years, Austerity measures have not been talked about OPENLY in Canada, and a lot of Canadians are trying to imagine that austerity is not necessary, but it is and I will be proven right in the end.
There are no whips or chains on these migrant workers; the problem is that the COST OF LIVING eats up their wages and making matters worse because of the existing welfare state in Canada, entitled Canadians don’t want to do these jobs, and the Leftists presence in Canada, keeps demanding WAGE HIKES, which in practice equates to naturalized Canadians PRICING THEMSELVES out of a job.
Foreign workers are now working in the SERVICE SECTOR all over Canada, taking jobs away from the Canadians who keep voting for PRICE CONTROLS (higher minimum wages, rent controls, etc.)
Once you grasp overall what’s happening, you’ll start to realize that austerity measures are either inevitable or Canada is headed for a very STRANGE form of bankruptcy. The bankruptcy I’ve been writing about for years revolves around Canada’s economy coming to a GRINDING HALT, not only because of debt but because Canadian GOVERNMENTS have employed a lot of UNPRODUCTIVE people, while simultaneously growing the WELFARE STATE, so Canada has a lot of unproductive public servants as well as people who who are on welfare who are contributing NOTHING to the Canadian economy while consuming a government welfare check.