I have a different view on Justin Trudeau supporters, I always feel it best to read what Justin Trudeau supporters SAY instead of basing his support on polling data, and the other obvious signs that his reign is coming to an end.
In school, when I was growing up, there were some kids who would try to BUY YOUR FRIENDSHIP. That’s Justin Trudeau’s mentality in my opinion. Trudeau is a trust fund, I believe trust funds put a CAP on how much money the recipient can receive at any given time period, based on the Trust agreement.
When I observe Trudeau in is entirety, his entire reign as PM, revolved around increasing the paychecks for his friends and supporters and if you read the comments of his supporters many of them are supporters of a cradle to grave welfare system.
Every time I read a comment from a “passionate” Trudeau supporter, they write or talk about the freebies or welfare benefits they receive under his cabinet.
Typically I read these comments from welfare-women, beta males and Left-wing homosexuals, all of whom tend to benefit the most from Trudeau’s tyrannical rule.
Now, once you accept these people for who they are, it gives you some hope for the country. I’m of the belief that financial education would prevent another Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh regime from ever happening in Canada.
Robert Kiyosaki in his book Rich Dad Poor Dad wrote about financial education, now if you’re a Left Winger or a person who conflates politics with economics, in your mind the “King or Queen” of the country should decide the prices of things and who is ENTITLED to receive benefits from the ruling class.
If you abandon financial education in the public school system, what you’re left with are people who are EASILY brainwashed by political words that sound good but are economically horrible.
Trudeau sounds like an idiot to people who think similar to how I think. The financially educated can see through Trudeau; however, if you have ZERO financial education, what you won’t be able to do is comprehend or imagine FISCAL policy based on the words coming out of Trudeau’s mouth, meaning that Trudeau WITHOUT LYING can sell you on some of the DUMBEST economic ideas ever conceived.
People who don’t understand fiscal policy will base their voting decisions on stupid things like a person’s “tone” or how that person made them “feel.” For example, in the United States, I can’t stand listening to Donald Trump; however, based on the words that come out of his mouth, I know he’s more financially educated than Kamala Harris.
Kamala Harris and Justin Trudeau are financial RETARDS. However, that wouldn’t matter to you if you’re financially ignorant. People who will KNOWINGLY sell their souls for a paycheck are a small minority; however, people who imagine that all politicians are corrupt, and so I’m going to vote for the one who makes me “feel” better, are the majority and those financially uneducated voters cast the decided votes, they’re also the people who DON’T show up to vote, because they’ll convince themselves that it doesn’t matter.
People on welfare, people who want cradle-to-grave welfare, show up to polls and vote every single time, and that’s why if you’re in a position of influence, consider spreading the message of financial education.
As near as I can figure, this is how things stand as far as the fortunes of the federal Liberal party are concerned:
Viewpoint one: Every gauge routinely used to measure political prospects indicates the party is facing disaster in the next election. Liberal prospects are so poor that the Toronto Star, which as usual would really really really prefer another Liberal victory, ran a recent column by one of its keenest Ottawa observers stating bluntly that “short of the Conservatives causing self-inflicted wounds, there is no visible path for growth for Canada’s ruling party. Trudeau’s Liberals appear to be headed for a bloodbath.”
Viewpoint Two: Everyone is wrong except Justin Trudeau, who remains the party’s best hope and greatest asset, compelled by destiny and personal conviction to remain at the helm no matter the outlook or potential consequences. People who believe this include Justin Trudeau and maybe Katie Telford, his chief of staff and fiercest apostle.
People who don’t believe it may include the man assigned to bring about said victory, who tendered his resignation Thursday, saying he needs to spend more time with his family. The Star says someone it won’t identify told it that Jeremy Broadhurst informed the prime minister it was best that he stand aside because he no longer thinks Trudeau can win the election.