Mulroney Gains, Justin Trudeau Sinks as Canadians Rate PMs. That’s the headline of the poll that ranked Justin Trudeau the worst Prime Minister in 50 years, most would argue EVER in Canadian history. Divisive politics is commonplace in the United States, but divisive, corrupt, and incomprehensible politics is not something new in Canada.
Pierre Trudeau was divisive and had a low economic IQ. However, I wouldn’t label him as incompetent because, with Pierre Trudeau, there was an effort; with Justin Trudeau, the only effort we observe is that he is willing to do or say ANYTHING to get reelected, which lends itself to his incompetency.
Where I take issue with the poll is that Stephen Harper was a far better Prime Minister than Brian Mulroney. This is where I question the ages and the IQs of the participants of this poll.
There is a reason why a lot of Conservatives and Canadians in general hated Brian Mulroney. Kim Campbell got a bad rap because of Mulroney, what Mulroney did her wasn’t fair at all, she clearly wasn’t prepared and Mulroney wasn’t man enough to own up to what he did to the economy.
Now, the reason why Mulroney should be getting bump up shouldn’t revolve around Justin Trudeau, it should be because more Canadians are figuring out how bad of Prime Minister PIERRE Trudeau was.
Although many of you are imagining that censorship or media manipulation of the truth is a new phenomenon, the truth is that Pierre Trudeau used censorship via the CRTC to push Canada in a left-leaning direction.
The problem many people like myself had with Brian Mulroney, was his fear of austerity, Mulroney attempted to make Pierre Trudeau’s horribly constructed economy solvent.
Say what you want, the GST was created to pay for failing communist HEALTHCARE system, which during that era, our PRIVATE SECTOR was being forced to pay for with higher taxes.
The private sector of course lobbied to make Canadian consumers pay for their commie healthcare, and Brian Mulroney, who clearly had low economic IQ, took the bait. The reason why I don’t hate the Liberal Party of Canada, is because the last time Canada experienced austerity came from Jean Chretien’s Liberals.
I always like to put into context what FORCED the 1990 Liberals to embrace austerity, Austerity was also being pursued by the then REFORM PARTY. So back then even the COMMONSENSE Liberals in Canada knew that Justin Trudeau’s daddy was an economic idiot.
Of course, to preserve the Liberal Party of Canada, the Liberals would never refer to the tyrannical Pierre Trudeau as an economic moron, but they all knew he was. Justin Trudeau obviously grew up surrounded by people who “loved” his daddy, so if you put Justin Trudeau in proper context from birth, he was destined to do everything wrong as a prime minister.
Like most idiots on the Far Left, Justin Trudeau conflates economics with politics, imagining that political math trumps basic math. Well, reality is starting to settle in, and because Trudeau surrounded himself with yes men, Justin imagines that if he can find some momentum, his political fortunes will reverse.
Unfortunately for Justin, he’s doing Canada a favor by dragging the “Trudeau” name through the mud. For future generations, they’ll hear the name “Trudeau” and remember pain and suffering, which is exactly how many of us old-timers remember the Brian Mulroney era.
In closing I think the people doing these polls didn’t live through the GST, Brian Mulroney “Loonie” era, so they’re basing their opinions on what they’ve experienced since being alive.
But make no mistake about it: Brian Mulroney was way worse than Stephen Harper, and the only reason ANYONE has positive feelings about Pierre Trudeau is because he exited the political arena before his DISASTEROUS economic policies were felt all across Canada. Brian Mulroney paid for not reversing all the bad economic policies Pierre Trudeau did.