When engaging in a trade war, it’s a good idea to have a thriving economy, something Justin Trudeau hasn’t proven he can do. Based on my analysis, Canada’s boring is about to skyrocket. In this modern economy what Canada should pay close attention to is the value of the Loonie on the forex markets.
One of the problems Donald Trump has had in the past is that he wants to the FORCE or intimidate the Federal Reserve into lowering interest rates. Trump wants to do this in order to lower the foreign exchange value of the U.S. dollar, which he believe will make American businesses more competitive internationally.
Because we’re on a fiat monetary system, deficits matter DOMESTICALLY, so Trudeau(Canada’s current prime Minister) is actually destroying Canada’s DOMESTIC economy, but what’s unclear to me, will be the international exchange value of the Loonie, while Justin Trudeau and Canada LOSE this trade war.