China’s debt-trap diplomacy is worthless if the Renminbi hyperinflates – China’s Belt and Road is extremely risky with an aging population – May 2, 2021,
From what I know most of China’s debt-trap diplomacy loans are denominated in Renminbi and I like to point out that the Chinese Communist Party is known as the country that malinvests the most. The only money being made in China comes via their free-market zones. The infrastructure for these free-market zones in China are running at huge losses, people tend to forget that China has been cheating.
Sure a lot of Chinese private sector business has cashflow positive investments, but China is communistic and the entire purpose of Communism is for the government to control the means of production, so the question on people’s minds is, well if China is bankrupt why is it that they seem so rich? The answer is simple, the capitalist pig is obese!
Have people actually seen poverty in the Western World lately? It’s not uncommon to find an obese fat person on government welfare in Western countries, complaining that their government owes them something or voting for the government to steal more from people who produce more in a day than they produce in a lifetime. It’s also not uncommon for the working class in Western countries to unionize and use the government to force up their wages.
It’s not uncommon for Western countries to overly regulate critical industries to their country’s infrastructure out of existence. I could go on and on about this for YEARS, I could write a book on this topic, but Atlas Shrugged did all the work for me, so instead I provide the reader with a glimpse into the dominance of the Bankrupt Communist Republic of China and their debt-trap diplomacy, which can end whenever western nations are ready to at least shrink the size of their Welfare States.
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, the stupidity of communism is that they want a central authority when the working class is doing all the work. Communism is a system for retards when you think about it, however, communists will outwork a welfare state any and every day of the week! Russians are still rugged individuals, I challenge any Westerner to work a day in China and I guarantee you 95% of them will cry for momma especially when they look at their paychecks.
For as long as Western nations allow the Welfare State to reign supreme, the ascension of Communist China and the growing influence of the Renembi is guaranteed! Nobody forced any of these countries to sign up for these Chinese debt trap loans and the Chinese regime is taking some risk in all of this because as the title of this blog post reads, the renminbi could eventually become worthless.
In a poor country, often their leaders instead of allowing the free market to reign will instead convince their citizens that socialism is the best path forward. Well, as I like to remind people, the smartest thing the Chinese Communist Party ever did was their creation of FREE MARKET ZONES! any and all countries are welcome to duplicate this system but be warned, the people who participate in these free-market zones, if you don’t control them, may start to seek out other forms of freedom.
In order to keep these freedom-loving people under control, the CCP may or may not engage in genocide (wink wink), Leftism is demonic in nature, but it’s also very seductive because a lot of humans are LAZY and want something for nothing! If China rises to power and dominance I hope there are enough brave people out there to explain why and how it happened and not in this cute fluffy way I hear from western media!
Interesting times ahead!