Conservative leadership contender Patrick Brown is a strategic POLITICIAN without substance: How Patrick Brown won the support of Beijing-allied groups – June 10, 2022,
I can’t help it, whenever I think of Patrick Brown the word “SCUM” comes to mind. Even when I think about Justin Trudeau, scumbag, isn’t the first word that enters my mind, when I think of Justin Trudeau the words “Frat Boy” turned PM come to mind. There’s a consistency of vindictive tyranny with Justin Trudeau, that borders on IGNORANCE.
I knew Trudeau’s weakness was the economy, and any financially educated person knows that when a politician’s weakness is the economy, that politician is going to be SHORT-SIGHTED in their decision-making skills, assuming of course that the “economy will fix itself”. If you ever listen to or read material from a Left-winger, they’ll always leave out KEY DETAILS when they talk about finances and economics, assuming that everyone is as IGNORANT as they are.
When Justin Trudeau speaks, we all know he has a speech writer and if you’re as ignorant about economics as Trudeau is, Trudeau’s ability to SELL you on his competence is pretty darn good. I would give Trudeau’s drama teacher top marks because I do think Justin Trudeau is a good salesman, which stems from his mastery of certain art forms.
Patrick Brown on the flipside has no such talents, Patrick Brown is all strategy and no substance, Patrick Brown if he won the Conservative leadership race (highly unlikely) might be the politician that would make Justin Trudeau call an early election, to gain a majority. If you’re following politics in Ontario, what Patrick Brown has been doing is targeting large minority groups like South and East Asians.
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Within these communities, a lot of the people are SCARED to rock the boat in terms of Canadian politics. If you wonder why SOME South Asians voted for Justin Trudeau even with the whole blackface thing, it stems from them wanting to be accepted as Canadians. Well, it appears Patrick Brown figured this out and he’s been targeting these groups.

You could imagine what type of effect this had on Justin Trudeau who wore Blackface more times than he can count well into his 30s. When you court the inexperienced, don’t be surprised that as they get more comfortable with you and figure out they’re being used, how quickly they’ll look for or create for themselves an EXIT out of that relationship.
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When you’re selling products, you don’t always want to be known as the person with the LOWEST prices, because people may associate your low prices with a lack of quality. The customer will inevitably start to compare you to the competition, some argue Margaret Sinclair compared Pierre Trudeau to Fidel Castro and that side-by-side comparison triggered an affair that created Justin.
Sure it sounds ridiculous but when people start imagining you as someone lacking substance, they’ll inevitably gravitate to the individuals who can offer them more than political jibber-jabber. Patrick Brown lacks SUBSTANCE, I think he’s got the political strategy thing down-packed, but he’s not very likable. I spent more time o this article writing about Justin Trudeau than I did writing about Patrick Brown because Trudeau is likable to people who think as he thinks, he’s worthy of consideration if you’re a Left Winger.
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Patrick Brown, on the other hand, has very little appeal to Conservatives, which is why he’s trying to court NEW Conservatives, which is fine, good for him, but it’s not going to change the reality that he lacks SUBSTANCE. When comes to Conservatives, we’re deep thinkers, we ask uncomfortable questions, and we dive into UNPOPULAR topics. Many of us are GENUINELY trying to build a better world, and for many of us, free markets are the best way for Canadians to EXPORT prosperity to the world.
Now, on the flip side, the Left-wingers imagine POLITICS are the best way to EXPORT prosperity to the world, Justin Trudeau has been CONSISTENT in his virtue signaling. I’ve argued that Trudeau’s invoking of the Emergencies Act revolves around OPTICS, as reported, had the police arrested the protestors which would have been easy, the problem would have been all of the TRUCKS left all over Ottawa with no one to tow them. People forget that Tow Truck drivers were refusing to tow the trucks of their fellow Truckers.
This is something I pay close attention to because Leftists historically emphasize OPTICS. Left Wingers want to look STRONG and if the police arrested the Truckers but couldn’t clear out Ottawa, that would have been an EMBARRASSING moment for Trudeau and would show he lost control. I personally think Patrick Brown puts the same emphasis on OPTICS and because he lacks substance, it’s hard for him to imagine that Conservatives are SMART people.
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A lot of the South and East Asians I know are in some sort of Business, now from the outside looking in, business people might appear to be stupid, and lacking substance, but for most business people, they just want to be LEFT ALONE and they want to know you understand their language. A lot of these people Patrick Brown is trying to court, may not understand how bad for business Patrick Brown is going to be.
The trap left-wingers always set for Conservatives in Canada is attempting to make Conservatives come across as mean-spirited. Truth be told, Left-wingers are going to win the battle every time, the pendulum will eventually swing in their direction, which is why as a Conservative you have to sell people on why being fiscally responsible is of the utmost importance.
When Stephen Harper lost to Trudeau, he had the chance the legalize Pot, which from an economics perspective was SHRINKING the size of the government. But he couldn’t sell this to Conservative voters. As I like to talk about I had friends that NEVER voted who voted for Trudeau ONLY because he was going to legalize weed. Whether you like it or not, this was the one time where Trudeau SHRUNK the size of government.
Harper could have easily attempted to sell Conservatives on Shrinking the size of government, but he wasn’t flexible enough. I bring this up because Harper was better versed in economics than Patrick Brown is. Patrick Brown has nothing to offer the average Conservative voter, he would lose to Trudeau for the same reasons Scheer and O’Toole lost to Trudeau.
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Pierre Poilievre focuses on economics and finances, that’s basically his message, now if the Canadian economy was booming, Pierre Poilievre’s political strategy might be a hard sell, because when the economy is BOOMING a lot of people assume the politician in charge simply got lucky. But when the economy is not as good as people would like it to be, people start listening to people they’d usually ignore.
Pierre Poilievre’s message has been the same, and I remind you that Pierre Poilievre is a CAREER politician, but he’s resonating with voters because Justin Trudeau’s WEAKNESS is the economy. Justin Trudeau is interesting in that he’s shrinking the government where it matters (firing COMPETENT unvaccinated FEDERAL WORKERS) and growing the government in eras that worsen the economy(overly regulating travel).
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This stupidity stems from Justin Trudeau’s low IQ when it comes to finances and economics. Trudeau cares more about OPTICS than he does about substance. But this type of thinking by Trudeau is an easy sell for Leftists, who like to virtue signal, Patrick Brown using this strategy in the Conservative leadership race is career suicide. It’s such a bad idea that he’s winning the support of Beijing-allied groups.
Interesting times ahead