Current Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Continues To Destroy Indo-Canadian relations – India JUSTIFIABLY calls Canada a ‘safe haven for terrorists’ – September 22, 2023
During these moments in history, people like myself are reminded of WHY the comprehension of BASIC economics is of vital importance when dealing with trade and negotiations. In both Canada and the United States, the leaders, are basing their policies PURELY on their personal ideals.
Current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is known for his virtue signaling, but he’s also known to people like myself for having the LOWEST economic IQ for a Prime Minister likely in this nation’s history.
Justin Trudeau is also likely the most PRIVEDGED Prime Minister in this nation’s history, basically being the son of what Left Wingers in Canada call the best Prime Minister Canada ever had (Pierre Trudeau).
Over 60% of Canadians vote for a Left-Wing-Socialist FEDERAL leader, which would be okay if Canadians had a better comprehension of what subsidizes their welfare state. But similar to the person running the country, a large chunk of Canadians appear to be in a fantasy land.
Currently, Justin Trudeau is being propped up by the NDP government, which in actuality, is the main reason Justin Trudeau is being allowed to make these silly decisions.
Canada’s media is compromised and biased, which allows Trudeau to imagine himself as smarter than he is; the fiat monetary system in which the foreign exchange markets reward the Loonie, allows Justin Trudeau’s BAD economic ideas to be bankrolled; Justin Trudeau has not been able to collect enough taxes to bank roll his ever-growing government, which equates to the Trudeau borrowing money from the BANK OF CANADA to pay his governments bills.
Justin Trudeau also buys votes whenever he can to hide the fiscal disasters he’s creating for his cabinet, which is one of the main reasons why the Bank of Canada has been forced to raise interest rates because, via Justin Trudeau, the Canadian economy is looking more and more UNIVESTABLE.
For someone like myself, economic, financial, and fiscal responsibility equates to BAD or irresponsible decision-making. If I’m being honest I don’t think Justin Trudeau or his cabinet knew about Jaspal Atwal.
Convicted Sikh extremist photographed beside Sophie Gregoire Trudeau in India |
But India wisely got ahead of the Hardeep Singh Nijjar story. Now at this point, it doesn’t really matter who is wrong or who is right as it relates to Hardeep Singh Nijjar, the bottom line is that Justin Trudeau cast the first stone by inviting Jaspal Atwal to dine with him at a formal event hosted by the Canadian High Commissioner Thursday in Delhi.
Remember this was a FORMAL event, so if you’re India, what are you supposed to think of this? You have to also comprehend that by Justin Trudeau DINING with Jaspal Atwal at a FORMAL event makes Narendra Modi the Prime Minister of India look very weak in the eyes of his people.
Now, I’m in no way condoning anything that happened to Hardeep Singh Nijjar, nor am I l making any claim that anyone in the Indian government had anything to do with it, but what I am saying is that this entire situation was AVOIDABLE.
One of the main problems with a lax immigration policy is that you IMPORT problems and ideals from other nations. Without the welfare state, Canada is a very rough and rugged place to live, and truth be told, if there is ever a realignment of the financial order, Canada will likely have a serious EMIGRATION problem, as a lot of Canadian residents and newly arrived immigrants are only here to take advantage of the Canadian dollar and the government welfare.
When a lot of people come to Canada, they do so with the INTENT to return to their homeland when economic times in their homeland are better. So for example, Eritrean immigrants in Canada who are heavily involved in the politics of their homeland resorted to VIOLENCE, with their POLITICAL revivals.
They destroyed PROPERTY in Canada, for their political causes and I’m sure in their minds they felt JUSTIFIED in doing so. It’s not abnormal to read stories about POLITICAL violence in African nations.
For many Eritreans this might be NORMAL for them, and in their minds, they may even imagine that Canadians should have known this before allowing them to live here. This is the problem when you have WEAK and ignorant leadership in Canada.
Is Justin Trudeau mentally retarded or, stupid, ignorant or did he do this intentionally? I lean more to the side of ignorant, but it would be hard for me to debate someone who said Justin Trudeau was mentally retarded or stupid, because who couldn’t see this coming?
If it wasn’t for the military protection Canadians feel ENTITLED to receive from the United States, what Justin Trudeau did with Jaspal Atwal in India could have incited a full-fledged war.
Justin Trudeau in actuality should have been told to step down way back in 2018, but this is the mentality in Canada. We’re living in a dream world. I was reading about the TRILLIONS in debt America is in, but I argue that at the very least the U.S. military justifies their debt.
Most nations are paying for their military, Justin Trudeau doesn’t prioritize the Canadian military, in fact most Canadians don’t prioritize the military. Currently in the United States, their President Joe Biden, who is either preparing Americans for war or looking to secure Democrats win every future election has employed an open borders policy.
What’s interesting about Joe Biden’s open border policy is that everyone in America knows that America CURRENTLY has the ability to stop the illegal migrants from crossing, in Canada, if we had that type of invasion, we wouldn’t have a CHANCE to stop it, because resources in Canada, are spent differently, because a lot of our policing even of our borders is left to the United States. This is an expense that Canadians currently don’t pay which if we did, Canada would likely be far more bankrupt than the United States.
I’m giving you a glimpse into how BROKE Canada really is and how unprepared we are as a country. You can spin the Justin Trudeau-India story anyway you want, the truth is Canadians can afford to vote for an INCOMPOTENT Prime Minister because of the ILLUSION the Canadian welfare state gives us.
Interesting times ahead