Canada, has challenges most other nations do not have, and the private sector in Canada, is not going to reach certain regions of Canada, without making their customers spend ridiculous, this is who Canada Post should be serving, as well as major cities in canada.
The real problem with Canada Post is that it’s a UNIONIZED Crown Corporation that uses forced price controls to bankrupt itself. For example, if Canada Post were a private company, it would obviously be bankrupt; now, you could say, well, then, as a Private entity, it should be allowed to fail or fire staff, sure we can do that, but that doesn’t solve Canada’s Rural problems.
Instead, and I’ve been arguing this for years, Canada Post should be involved in the political process, similar to the USPS in America; the government should manage it and allow private entities to bid on contracts.
Clearly, the need for Canada Post PARCEL services in major cities is no longer needed. However, snail mail is still open for debate, as well as AUSTERITY. If we’re going to have an honest conversation, it can’t be simply that we’re going to privatize Canada Post; we’re not the U.K. Canada has challenges.
I simply don’t believe Canada Post should be a Crown Corporation; in Ontario, the teachers and their unions have had to humble themselves because their demands of the public aren’t popular anymore.
Canadians aren’t as clueless about collective bargaining as they were in the 1980s. Canada Post currently enjoys the freedom of being able to ignore the political process while disrupting the entire country. That’s stupid. If this became an issue Canadians could vote on, now we can have an honest conversation about how much each Canada Post worker is really worth to TAXPAYERS.
Instead of privatizing Canada Post, it should be NATIONALIZED and part of the Federal Government DEBT; Canadian voters should be allowed to VOTE on Canada Post; that’s the real problem we have.