Although the specifics of the situation at FRANCHISED Mayweather gym haven’t ben disclosed, many of us who have tried or attempted to do business in California, know how horrible it is to own a business in the State of California.
Although one could blame the politicians, the truth is that it’s the VOTERS or the people who live there, that created that disaster, voting for WACKO economic policies, that often put business people between a rock and hard place.
We’ll see if this problem in Hollywood California spreads to other Mayweather boxing gyms, but if it’s only this one gym or only the California based gyms that have this problem, chances are this has to do with California’s WACKO laws on small-mid-sized businesses, that often 10X a businesses expenses if they better the working conditions of their employees.
Yes, you read that correctly, in a lot of instances, if your business capitulates to the State government rules and regulations, not only as a small business are you straddled with more paper work, you’ll also have to hire lawyers, special accountants, just to be in compliance, and then after you’re in compliance, then your employees want a raise, because their cost of living is also rising.
This is a California VOTING problem, if you vote for entitlements, you’re going to have to pay for it. I don’t know anyone including lawyers and accountants who like to do PAPER WORK, if you send me a lot of paper work, I’m raising my fees, and Ai, can’t do paper work for you.
Accounting software for business, for example is extremely annoying, it will make you literally want to shoot yourself, if a lawyer has to look through legal jargon, they’re going to raise their prices also. What I’m getting at is every single time PROGRSSIVE California, votes for “equity” they’re voting for more regulations on employers, there’s no free lunch.
Again we’ll see if this problem spreads, but if this is purely a Hollywood California problem, chances are this Mayweather Boxing gym franchise is another victim of California voters, who continue to vote to destroy their own State. In my lifetime, Californians, turned a paradise into an economic shithole.
And this is not a racial or ethnic thing, because most “progressive” Democrat voters are white. But what you’ll notice is that the people most affected by white progressive voters are black and brown people.