Mos of the major cities in Canada, vote HARD LEFT, and these voting patterns at least this year appear to be taking their toll. Calgary, Toronto and Montreal have AGING infrastructure and this exists primarily because of municipal voting patterns.
I’m the rare writer that frequently writes about the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation(CMHC) and I write about the CMHC, because the FEDERAL government has actually made the problem worse, by helping to finance CONDO developments, which are actually accelerating the problems.
Blaming things on the changing weather patterns is convenient, but it doesn’t hide the truth that aging infrastructure is the root cause to all of these FLOODING problems.
Water management is expected to cost Montreal billions; the city wants your input (August 16, 2023)
Aging infrastructure, climate change and population growth are putting significant pressure on Montreal’s water resources. Faced with the magnitude of the issues and the cost of planned investments, the city is launching a public consultation on the future of water on its territory.
Montreal wastes too much drinking water, dumps too many pollutants into the St. Lawrence River, its aging infrastructure is unable to cope with the ever-increasing quantity of water spilled during torrential rains, and the city does not have enough money to update and adapt its water management infrastructure.
There are entire ancient cities all over the world, notably in Europe and North Africa, that have been UNDERWATER for centuries because of CONSTANTLY changing weather patterns, but some ancient cities are able to SURVIVE because they MAINTAIN their city’s infrastructure.
If you’re wondering why PRINTING money to “solve” problems is a bad thing, it’s because when you print money to solve bad FISCAL policy, the root cause of the problem is never solved.
Over Regulation and Quebec’s unfriendly attitude to the private sector, is nothing new, Quebec has been doing this forever, however there comes a point in which it’s either austerity or complacency, and once the decision is made that complacency is the best path forward, there is a progressive accumulation effect that leads to destruction of society.
Because if you’re agreeing that there’s nothing wrong with the existing rules and regulations, and you’re imagining that all of these domestically created maintenance problems are caused by something EXTERNAL, like “climate change” well then society can blame the private sector for everything.
It’s those evil polluters and those greedy rich people who are bloated. The government can’t solve problems.
Montreal water main break unleashes flooding chaos
A massive water main rupture near Montreal’s Jacques-Cartier Bridge has caused mass flooding, cut power to thousand of Hydro-Québec customers and prompted a boil advisory for part of the city.(August 17, 2024)
The obvious truth appears to be that white-collar public servants and their bloated paychecks have created SHORTAGES of blue-collar workers, many of who now RIGHTFULLY demand a larger amount of currency to fix these problems if you’re saying to yourself, why don’t the white-collar public servants pay these blue-collar workers, more money? Well, then you’re starting to see the problem because if these white-collar public servants pay these blue-collar workers, the costs for the city will EXPLODE.
You have to remember when it comes to maintenance, it’s not a quick fix; it’s a long-term investment, and if white-collar public servants who do BASICALLY nothing ARE MAKING $100,000+ per year, making the city’s problems worse, what is a fair wage to blue-collar workers doing all the heavy lifting?
Now, if you’re not getting why the Federal Government is making things worse, well, CMHC since around 1999, now helps projects get built that otherwise would NEVER get the funding, and these projects often TIE into the aging infrastructure, I write about EMPTY condos, in Toronto, their flash flooding has a lot to do with CONDOs being built, that didn’t get built until CMHC began helping people and business purchase assets, that private banks otherwise would NEVER finance.
Why is this important? Because if the federal government stayed out of the housing business, cities would have build based on their BUDGETS, not financing coming PUBLIC MORTGAGE INSURANCE, that is helping to finance projects that would never make economic sense otherwise.