Network Marketing takes over the freebie industry. Even though i HATE Network Marketing there are times where even i can see the benefits mainly the educational aspects of it. In this case however I hope this company fails. I don’t like Multi Level Marketing in social media. I actually find the concept stupid as an advertiser.
People String will pay you to read emails pay you to shop on their site and pay you to refer strangers, friends and family. To start i want people to look at this from an advertisers perspective.
A Look Back at Paid To Read Emails
Paid to read emails works like this you get paid to read emails. Getting paid to read emails is possibly one of thee dumbest industries online. The only winner is the HOUSE or maybe the person(s) with the largest down lines. Reason being is that the advertiser and the customer meet at the worst possible point. As a customer I join the paid to read email site to make $$$MONEY$$$ so my guard is up i am skeptical about any paid email I receive and there’s a good chance i will do research before signing up for anything! Also if i really care to be paid for an email i obviously don’t have allot of money.
People String and Advertising
From the advertisers perspective when sending out a paid to read email you are going to have put it all on the line you have too remember your customer has seen a thousand other offers just like yours and your customers guard is way up they also know you need them because you we’re willing to pay them to open an email message you sent.
I can’t blame people String for trying but MLM in social media where the social media site uses advertiser dollars to pay members ruins the concept of social media. If people don’t get it by now real people join social media sites to be “social” when you are being social money is the last thing you want to think about. If you are faced with an opportunity sure you might jump on it but the atmosphere itself is not supposed to be one controlled by money.
My guess is maybe this might be a hit in the Multi Level Marketing industry but for me personally there’s no way i want to be a part of this. I hope people wake up to the fact of why I HATE Multi level marketing online one day. Network marketing online is an animal that seeks to take over industries online similarly to the way corporations ruin small business’s.
Network marketing is built like a pyramid scheme where the people at the top make all the money and those at the bottom suffer. The internet is made up mostly of digital products digital software anything anyone makes can be cloned so why join someone in there pyramid scheme adventures??? Think about if i can make you clone website what’s the point in people string?. Online Network Marketing/Multi Level Marketing is the dumbest thing ever and only makes the owners and those with the huge down lines money.
If you join people String good luck but you won’t find me there!
I don’t think so. Social media takes too much time of our life, that’s why I’m never on Facebook and Twitter, now if I earn…I will!!
I think one of the best oppertunitys on the planet is Network Marketing, bar non. If people would study, search and get the facts, they would understand what they are about to talk about. Some of us are smart in some areas of the brain but a down right fool in other areas you never know what part of the brain is at work until they start to write about something they know nothing about. Check with the secretary of state, when your money goes up but no goods or services come down, thats a Pyramid!!. In a good and honest network marketing company goods,services and money are coming down when money is going up. there are always crooks, dis-honest people involved in some aspect of most everything on the planet. AL Copone wore clothes, i wear clothes too, does that make me a gangster. I live in a white house but im not the President of the United States. because someone does something good or bad we can’t take their motives or actions as the whole thing, business, game ect as being no good or good. If i am going to talk or write about it to the public then i need to get the facts right. Jesus Christ started Network Marketing He took 12 men, one at a time and gave them a product,(Him Self) and now there are millions who believe in Him, the bible teaches that Jesus was and is God, who because of Grace and Love came in a body to die for the sins of the world, for sure I don’t think he was building a pyramid or running a scheme and he used network marketing, each one reach one. Check out the stats, there are more millionares in America because of network marketing than any other business, men and women who started out busted, nothing, and now pay taxes, buying homes, cars, sending their kids to college all because of network marketing. And there are those who were not busted,and had something but their life was tied up to a time clock, no time for family or self, working from dark 30 til dark 30, but now they are free of the 80 plus hours clock because of network marketing.
I told my son more than once when he was growning up remember all black people are not good and all white people are not bad you judge a person based on their character. Its not good to take the actions or beliefs of a few people about a person or thing and make their experence a principle by which you live. If something is important enough for a person to get involved writing, talking, association or anything Please God help the person to get the facts from the raw core first, because some people might hang their hat on what the person has said. Ps. I know my writing teacher would tear my writing apart, so please remember i was not writing from my class room, i was writing from my heart.
It’s me dubz. I signed up you can too it’s free. I made enough money to buy a cup of coffee for just signing up. You can make money just using this portal. You make 10% from everyone you refer for life. Just sign up.
I have yet too sign anyone up. It would be cool. You earn $0.50 for everyone that signs up under you and 10% of all their activity and anyone they sign up.
I can’t believe you’re not palynig with me–that was so helpful.