play fun online games free
It used to be hard to find a good online gaming website, now adays they are becoming a dime a dozen so much so that programs are even now offering cash incentives for people to play online games. I mean i have yet to see an online gaming website give away a millio dollars but none the less it’s something to be aware of.
Also in certain parts of San Francisco I hear people are being paid to try video games and i’m hearing it’s not no chump change either we are talking about some serious cash, that’s like a dream job for me. Things in the world are changing for the better, Everyday ideas are being created which creates a whole new market.
I myself can;t wait until they start having like cash competitions for everyday online games. They have it on XBOX PS2, they have some websites but i think it needs to go more main stream or someone needs to take the idea to a wider audience. if I had any skills in that area i would do it. I’m sure it will be done soon everybody wants to see it done where it just becomes a standard feature.
If your looking just to play games online theres plenty just type it google but if your looking to make some money playing onlie games check out the links below they are both free but like many other things they are ad supported