Quite a Few Make Money Online systems today, Add “Sell Like Crazy Book” currently found at SellLikeCrazyBook.com to that list. It’s a relatively straightforward offer, likely with upsells, and the problem most people have with the make money online niche is the upsells.
Join the “Sales Funnel Bundle” at your own risk. Don’t be shocked when you see upsells after joining; the sticker price is usually the introductory price, and then there are other offers that you’ll have to pay for on the backend.
If you’re interested in a more straightforward money-making network, you’ll want to consider the Master Affiliate Profits (MAP). What really separates MAP from everyone else is traffic to your MAP webpage, which helps you get sales for free.
The price tag to join is high, but that’s all you’re obligated to purchase; there are learning videos and other material in the MAP platform that can assist you in making a full-time income online.
With MAP, we’re focused on one niche only, which is the make money online, work-from-home niche, which allows you to stay focused on one thing instead of searching for multiple different niches, which can be costly and time-consuming.
When joining al networks they recommend purchasing funnels and other time consuming things, and this is where MAP is superior because unlike other networks that require you to do ALL the work, when you join MAP, you’re getting traffic to your MAP website on day one, because all the members including myself, have only one focus, and that’s to grow our network.