There are quite a few of these ADULT-themed dating websites around the net. Based on my reviews, “Snap Fuck” currently found at, owned by BD Technologies AG appears to be scam and not legit.
When you visit their homepage as of this publishing date, you’re presented with a pop-up that says “Important Information:” Do not disregard this message as it will tell you that some of the profiles on are fake. They’re an entertainment-focused website.
Why do I write favorably about Adult Friend Finder? Because with entertainment focus dating/flirt websites like SnapFuck, the goal appears to be to use fake pictures posted by the owners of the dating website to get mostly unsuspecting men to join their dating website.
Below I posted a portion of their “Important Information:” regarding the operations of their current dating website below.
I think it would be smart for you to familiarize yourself with the operations of their business, so you don’t buy into a false hope.
This website is meant to establish conversations between fictional profiles. As this website contains fictional profiles, a physical connection is not possible with these fictional profiles.
Are they a scam? Based on my reviews, I’d say yes, and I will not be recommending them at this time. As of the date I’m writing this, you can contact them on their website. Currently, the SnapFuck address is the following:
Tel: +44 (0)7418 313855 is property of: BD Technologies AG
Baarerstrasse 82
6300 Zug
Registration number:
VAT Number:
Is a scam?
What parts of SnapFuck can be considered legit? Well, similar to Adult Friend Finder it does have entertainment features, which is why if you’re going to join SnapFuck you’ll want to familiarize yourself with their terms and conditions, namely section: Article 3: Content and use of the Website where states the following:
3.4 The purpose of this website is to enable chat conversations between fictitious profiles and users and therefore
contains fictitious profiles. Physical meetings are not possible with these fictitious profiles.
If you’re going to join their service, you might find it difficult to tell the difference between the real and fake members. When it comes to dating services, in my opinion, if I’m going to spend money, I think it’s wiser to join services that have PHYSICAL meet-ups and actual services that revolve around actually meeting the person you’ll see in the pictures outside the virtual world.
Personal thoughts regarding
If you’re thinking of joining ‘SnapFuck’, you’d be wise to consider joining Adult Friend Finder, which is an adult-themed dating website that also has live webcam sex chat services. At the very least, with Adult Friend Finder you’ll be getting transparency. Dating websites with an entertainment section are okay with me; where I take issue is when I’m not sure what I’m signing up for.
Join at your own risk; I can’t, in good faith, recommend their service to anyone; when it comes to international dating, the goal is to meet the woman you’re interested in person, not to do live webcam, which is why I say that Foreign Affair is the best because the with the Foreign Affair it’s not only an online dating service, it’s an INTRODUCTIONS service, meaning the intent is to meet in person.
Final thoughts regarding
I will not be recommending at this time; I do not think they’re legit; I do lean on them being a scam. With that said, I don’t write these posts to tell people what to do with their time or their money, so if you want to join don’t let me stop you. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you. Any questions or concerns you have regarding should be sent to their staff directly.
If you’re interested in international dating, consider Foreign Affair; one of the major reasons I recommend them is because they have online support and phone support, and their entire focus is on making actual connections happen.
The success of Foreign Affair revolves around the actual face-to-face connections. When you go to the Foreign Affair website, you’ll notice that they have pictorial Testimonials, video Testimonials, audio testimonials, and written testimonials; their business has a physical address, a phone number, and a dedicated staff there only to make sure that you succeed.
They’re an actual introduction service with actual people all over the world who are dedicated to this lifestyle. They’re worth considering regardless of your age; with this service, most of the women are looking for MATURE men, and most of the women join because they’re looking for serious MATURE men; this is not only about sex. It’s about companionship, so if you’re genuinely looking for someone, I think you should consider this service.
They’re IMBRA Compliant. The International Marriage Broker Regulation Act (IMBRA) was put in place to protect fiancé(e) and marriage-based green card applicants — particularly women. Meaning that you’ll be meeting legitimate women, not online scammers looking to take your money.
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