There are currently over 1.6 million, migrants living in Britain who are jobless, and this should have been obvious because of how regulated the Britain job market is.
The root cause of these problems are government regulation’s, namely the PRICE/WAGE control mechanisms in place that make it ILLEGAL for regular citizens to price their own wages. So let’s say I want to charge 1 pound per hour for my labor, it’s ILLEGAL for me to do it.
Now, you might say to yourself, yes of course tat would allow employers to EXPLOIT their workforce or it would cause wages in Britain to fall, and you’d be 100% correct, but there’s WINNING in economics, there are only trade offs, and the trade off in this instance is that you now have 1.6 illegal migrants on GOVERNMENT WELFARE contributing NOTHING to the economy.
If you’re going to build a welfare state, there needs to be some common sense involved in the process. If you’re asking what I would do? It would be to start with eliminating the minimum wage and if the idiot voters want a LIVING wage, then the government should send these idiots a check at the end of the year to make up the shortfall, and if they do their livable wage calculations.
How you’d punish the private sector situation is that you WOULDN’T, because the private sector would in time become more efficient, and especially now with technology, who don’t pay well or treat their employees badly would be exposed online and even offline.
Workers exploitation is not a hard problem to solve, especially in 2024. With that said, America’s welfare state for illegal aliens is just as bad however, it’s easier to work as an illegal alien in the U.S. than in Britain, sure a lot of these illegals are also selling drugs, smuggling guns etc. but they’re still contributing to sales taxes etc.
But in general the root cause of these problems is the welfare state, namely the price control mechanisms in place, that don’t allow prices to DEFLATE.