I got some good news and some bad news in regards to Surveys. First the good news, the good news if you signed up or you are planning to sign up has a 60 day return policy. It’s a company that is associated with clickbank so if you are not satisfied with their service then you can get your money back.
Now for the bad news, the bad news is that Sarah Garringers website it’s not what most people think it is. From my past experience with these types of sites is that once you sign up they will give you a bunch of links to a bunch of surveys sites that say they will pay such and such amount to complete surveys. When a say a bunch of survey sites I mean like 100 or more and I am NOT exaggerating at all. To me this is very time consuming and also it won’t guarantee you any results.
The Online Survey Industry Exposed
There was a time where online surveys were the in thing people would complete online surveys and get paid. But that period is now over cheat bots and other factors have contributed to this but at the end of the day in this day and age making money doing surveys is not going to pay the bills. Another thing is now survey sites are mostly sending out contest surveys. What this means is that if you are lucky enough you will make $100 a month online doing surveys.
I mean i still do it if i have any spare time but for me that the type of money that surveys pay is not enough. Again maybe you might have better luck than me but I am telling you from experience i have been doing this work at home stuff for over 10 years now and know of no real people who can show proof making $500 – $1000 per month online doing surveys.
Surveys4Checks Should You Sign Up
Personally I wouldn’t recommend signing up with but don’t let me stop you from doing what you want to do. Compared to other similar websites has done a better job being honest to the customer and also you can get a refund if you don’t like their service. If you signed up and want a refund just leave a comment below. For me I Just think a person can do better
If you would like to learn how you can make money online for free I recommend visiting my page called Work From Home for more information.
Thanks for reading please leave your comments below.
I live in Finland and i joined to and paid for
it 39,59 euros.
I´m not satisfied ion their surveylinks
because they work only in USA area not
in Finland. promises 60 days money
back quarantee.I have contacted them many
times but they don´t answer my emails.
Have you got any ideas how i get my
money back?
Regards;Markku Nielikäinen
Hi, Markku
Contact one of the two numbers below immediately and tell them you want a refund.
Contact clickbank 208-472-9500
Contact Clickbank toll free 1-800-390-6035
also consider visiting this link to find out how to get a refund from click bank
Thanks for advise.I contacted Clickbank by email and they refund my money
Markku, you said that they don’t work in Finaland. Do you mean they don’t have any surveys for people living ouside the states? I live in Sweden and have been considering giving it a try but if the surveys are only or mostly for US citizens it no use….
This is scam. On site there isn’t headquarters address. Usually serious companies that haven’t nothing to hide, on their contact page, they display their head office or headquarters VALID address, phone ecc. On this site all is anonymous. So this is simple SCAM programmed by clever cheating programmers. Stop paying scammers.
I was thinking about geting in to it I whas locking att Surveys4Checks and thay state that it works in 150 countries (thats just Bullshit).
Thanks for talking me out of it!!1 have a realy nice day all.
Im from Finland btw.
Thank u!So much!
I’m puzzled it tonight!
almost believe it!
But can u give any other idea that how to get money?
It’s so hard live in this boring city!
thank you very much. It’s very informative.
I living outside the states and I almost buy it .
Thank you again and the guys who left their comments which really help
thank you very much. i just recently joined.i ask for refund. please let me know if there are any genune sites to work from home.
im from China. i have almostly been taken in. i couldn’t believe there is such an easy way to make money, so i checked it on line. Thanks to my very wary, and thanks to the people who share their experiences here.
BTW, is there any way to bring such scam down?
i wanna make friends also here. My MSN ID is
im male, from China, living in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, a very beatiful city. i would be your good friend. and one day, when you travel in China, i’m willing to be your freely guider. i will show you everywhere, and try my best to help you…
i love making friends from all over the world
Why did you say you will get your refund? Do you have to pay at first?
The survey4checks is advertised at and I think many people are happy but still I am skeptical to join. Are there lots of offers for Filipinos in this website? Thanks
I’ve found link of surveys4checks, it’s a ads in Chinese. The comments contain some spam. Do anyone has any joined them? Is it really that profitable? It claimed to be 1000$ a month for filling the forms via internet.
Hi, I am from Malaysia. after reading from surveys4checks today. I almost buy in this idea. some previously said earning $1000 per month. What i read today is $16000 a month!!!! really skeptical about it. I feel much more better now knowing it is scam now. Thank you very much!
hey everyone… I also paid for the surveys4checks an I am from Greece. As Markuu said I am not satisfied because there are a few surveys for Greece and I defenetly cannot make money.So does anyone know a phone I can contact clickbank from Greece. I tried the number given but it is not working from greece.
Hi everyone,
I’m from Vietnam. I’ve been spending some days on studying about surveys4check. I thinks its advertisement is quite persuasive, and I intended to sign it up, but I’m now still a bit skeptical. As said by Markku and Jack, there are few surveys for your countries, so it may be same to my location. I don’t wanna register it, then I would be not satisfied and hope money back. Is there anyone in other countries in East Asia joining in this program and satisfying it? Pls tell me. Thanks a lot.
I am from India, I have paid USD 49.99 to buy this prodct, as you said I found it as very time consuming one. Now I am looking for refund of my money
I live in the US and I found out the headquarter of clickbank is in Denver colorado. I want to give a try, but after reading all these comments, I m not so encouraged to do it. Still considering this idea.
Thanks for all these comments.i come from china.i was attracted by the information from surveys4checks and almost paid my money in. thanks to my prudent consideration, i looked for some comments from websites in and borad, it is comments here that supported my skeptical and changed my mind. i will not pay any attention or money on surveys4checks any more.
thanks much to all my friend in this place to give comments possitively.i’m from Indonesia and grazy look for money in internet.averytime i spend money to many website when i get information from someone and i think that site make money and give me some way to collect easy money.but till now never profit just scam and loss.
i want some friend give me information glad power to making money an online and make much people enjoy thier life.iin my country many people have debt and can not paying again.i want to help them.i hope get more glad information an online
I’ve been trying to reach surveys4checks through there email but it seems they’re ignoring me. So i decided to contact clickbank, hoping they would refund my money. But until now, I haven’t receive any answers.
guys try considering other ways to spend your time with and earn extra… i have tried surveys4checks and they work mostly for US and Canada and some UK only… unfortunately i’m not from those areas that’s why i had my money back… anyway i discover an alternative site earning some extra with here is the site check it out… u may wanna copy and paste this URl…
well as you know all, this is really stupid to believe, but me too, almost sign up in this scam.. wow..very good words to cheat you.. just like parnaone, i’m from Indonesia also.. well I think better to think about create something creative to make money..have a nice day all..
Thanks you guys!
These comments are very useful for me and for my friends as we are considering to join it! Now we know it’s just a scam… Tks a gain!
Thanks everyone for ur valuable comments….
I was abt to join surveys4checks as they looked real but ur comments have saved me from falling. Thanks once again!!!!!
Like usual i always do the cross check with other people experience. thanks to those sharing experience and i decided not to be involved in such a scam.
I work in China. I was interested in surveys4checks and was ready to pay. Before that, I sent them many questions. Their business I.D. No. / company’s registration No., their registration location and working address, their direct phone No. and fax No., their boss’ name & I.D. number, and if I can pay them a visit, just to name these few. But they never replied. Eveytime I went into their website and tried to skip it out, there always poped in a colume of service asking you to pay with US$10 off but the on-line servicelady could not answer any of my questions, as if she was not one of their employees only hired to push clients to pay. I am glad that I found this website and it solved my skeptical doubts of this scammed surveys4checks.
What a good thing if there really existed such an easy way to make money!
The live chats are realy fake.. hahaha youre chatting with an robotic chat program. Don`t go fall for it.
read my intresting chat with Kelly haha
Kelly Says: Hey there, thanks for visiting today! Before you leave, I have been authorized to offer you a discount off your membership!
CLICK HERE to save $10 OFF with this CHAT ONLY offer!
Kelly Says: Just type ‘HI’ or ‘Hello’ in the space below to let me know you are there.
You: hi
Kelly Says: Hi, thanks for chatting with me today. Did you know that offers its members hundreds of paid survey, focus groups, and “get paid to do” opportunities in an organized and regularly updated fashion.
Kelly Says: We have a professionally designed sales page with clear and convincing advertising copy, videos, banners, and promotional emails. We will even help you run your own PPC campaign by providing keywords that work. We have spent years testing the landing page, the price point and the offer.
You: I want to check if you are not a robot
Kelly Says: CLICK HERE to sign up today and receive $10 OFF through this limited time offer!
You: you are not chatting with me are you?
Kelly Says: I’m sorry but I have limited information. For more questions or information, please email to contact customer service.
You: I believe you are not real
Kelly Says: My name is Kelly and I’m a live virtual agent.
You: oke thats is a good thing
Kelly Says: Okay great. CLICK HERE and fill out the page in order to take advantage of this great offer.
You: is dat je echte foto?
Kelly Says: This offer for $10 OFF is only available through this chat and for a limited time. CLICK HERE to take advantage of this deal.
You: ever been in holland? I dont think youre service will be working here
Kelly Says: I’m still here. What can I help you with?
You: I asked if I can make money in hollend
Kelly Says: I’m sorry, but I have limited information. For more questions or information, please email to contact customer service.
You: poep op je hoofd
Kelly Says: I only have limited information, please email to contact customer support.
You: hahahahahaha common this is no service
Kelly Says: Remember, when you sign up today through this chat you will receive $10 OFF! CLICK HERE to take advantage of this limited time offer!
You: wil je met me trouwen
Kelly Says: This discount will not apply to everyone, you have been chosen for this special one time deal. So CLICK HERE if you would like to accept this offer!
You: will you close this chat you are boring me
Kelly Says: Again, I’m sorry but I have limited information. For more questions or information, please email to contact customer support.
You: robot
Kelly Says: CLICK HERE to take advantage of this amazing offer.
Kelly Says: I’ll be here if you have any more questions
You: do you like vegtables?
Owkee this time I had a seccond and last chance to talk to robotic Kelly. these were my qeustions and her answers. Isn`t she the sweetest thing?
Kelly Says: Hey there, thanks for visiting today! Before you leave, I have been authorized to offer you a discount off your membership!
CLICK HERE to save $10 OFF with this CHAT ONLY offer!
Kelly Says: Just type ‘HI’ or ‘Hello’ in the space below to let me know you are there.
You: hi you were of
Kelly Says: Hi, thanks for chatting with me today. Did you know that offers its members hundreds of paid survey, focus groups, and “get paid to do” opportunities in an organized and regularly updated fashion.
Kelly Says: We have a professionally designed sales page with clear and convincing advertising copy, videos, banners, and promotional emails. We will even help you run your own PPC campaign by providing keywords that work. We have spent years testing the landing page, the price point and the offer.
Kelly Says: CLICK HERE to sign up today and receive $10 OFF through this limited time offer!
You: ?
Kelly Says: I’m sorry but I have limited information. For more questions or information, please email to contact customer service.
You: do you eat vegtables
Kelly Says: This offer for $10 OFF is only available through this chat and for a limited time. CLICK HERE to take advantage of this deal.
You: will you marry me
Kelly Says: I only have limited information, please email to contact customer support.
You: thanks
Kelly Says: You’re very welcome!
You: thanks
Kelly Says: This discount will not apply to everyone, you have been chosen for this special one time deal. So CLICK HERE if you would like to accept this offer!
You: bye now
Kelly Says: Remember, when you sign up today through this chat you will receive $10 OFF! CLICK HERE to take advantage of this limited time offer!
you: oke I will
Kelly Says: Okay great. CLICK HERE and fill out the page in order to take advantage of this great offer.
You: will you marry my vegtables?
Kelly Says: Again, I’m sorry but I have limited information. For more questions or information, please email to contact customer support.
You: bye
Kelly Says: OK, Thank you for your time. To end the CHAT simply CLICK on the “X” in upper right
Gee Peter,i had so much fun reading the chat between u and kelly robot!Thank u 4 sharing it. I live in Turkey and i was thinking to join Surveys4Checks like the rest of u,but i also thought that i should check ppl comments first.I’m glad that i did.Thank u all 4 sharing your experience.Have a nice day!
hi folks! i am from india..this site has made me realize that there is no “easiest way” as such to make money. thank u.
i have actually found this site through an article i read in one of the columns of, the free downloading site. it was stated there that one of the indian women was earning through this site. there were also some others who read that article and got paid after joining. is all that true? how do i judge all these miscellaneous opinions? i am utterly confused now :/
this site here is not
i visited …i have lots of question to ask. like what others said , i was about to join because of “EASY MONEY”…but very skeptical on it … but luckily was able to check for peoples comment…still considering the idea ..
thanks for sharing your experiences folks!
haha ..check this out! haha
isn’t she lovely?(KELLY) today! Before you leave, I have been authorized to offer you a discount off your membership!
CLICK HERE to save $10 OFF with this CHAT ONLY offer!
You: hi
Kelly Says: Hi, thanks for chatting with me today. Did you know that offers its members hundreds of paid survey, focus groups, and “get paid to do” opportunities in an organized and regularly updated fashion.
You: robot?
Kelly Says: We have a professionally designed sales page with clear and convincing advertising copy, videos, banners, and promotional emails. We will even help you run your own PPC campaign by providing keywords that work. We have spent years testing the landing page, the price point and the offer.
Kelly Says: My name is Kelly and I’m a live virtual agent.
You: now i know
You: :))
Kelly Says: CLICK HERE to sign up today and receive $10 OFF through this limited time offer!
You: but i dont have money yet?
You: will you lend 50 dollars for me?
Kelly Says: Remember, when you sign up today through this chat you will receive $10 OFF! CLICK HERE to take advantage of this limited time offer!
You: kelly you’re so hot
Kelly Says: Well thank you very much! That was nice
You: is that you’re picture? >>
Kelly Says: No, that’s not actually my picture.
You: really?
Kelly Says: I’m sorry but I have limited information. For more questions or information, please email to contact customer service.
You: wow , how did your programmers programmed you?
Kelly Says: This offer for $10 OFF is only available through this chat and for a limited time. CLICK HERE to take advantage of this deal.
You: kelly you’re so beautiful..
Kelly Says: I only have limited information, please email to contact customer support.
SHE DID REPLIED ! haha that was FUNNY! haha
Hi Everybody!
Before joining an invitation to MAKE MONEY FROM HOME, think first of the following for you to know if it’s a scam:
1) If really they say you are going to make good amount of money, then they dont have to collect single amounts from you, instead give it for free. Why? Because making money as they say.. speaks of HUGE AMOUNTS..if you can earn it that huge amounts, why not them? So.. why then collect few amounts($49+) from you?? Is that not a SCAM???
2) Any invitation to join for MAKING MONEY FROM HOME, that is too long of information and explanation and at the end of the long story so to speak..will ask you to pay some amounts and that is a SCAM. Bear that in mind!
3) All requirements to join for MAKING MONEY FROM HOME speaks of “NO”…NO age requirements, NO computer expertist, NO time requirements, etc. yet, will give you huge amounts of earnings/ plain and simple SCAM.
I hope it helps.
In addition..
4) Any websites that do not inform of any CONTACTS OR ABOUT is a FAKE WEBSITE ——-PHISHING WEBSITE/SCAM!!! This was proven by SOPHIE FROM CHINA one of the above-mentioned comments.
thank you all very much for sharing your experiences, it has helped a lot really especially in this desperate times.
Hi Steve, thanks a lot for your guide and now I’m able to get my refund back from clickbank.
I’m one of the victim of
I send 4 emails in 3 days to there customer support but had no reply at all
I’m really regret to join with them
Stay away from this site,
After reading all the comments about surveys4checks, i came to realize this site is really not legit. The whole world is in crisis, and so they tried to catch everyone who is desperate in earning money to the point that the money left in their pocket that is reserved for a week’s meal has been gambled by registering in this site. Here’s the secret to be not a victim to these scams…. live your life simply and be contented of what you have. The more you have the more you will loose and the less you have…the less heartache you get if ever you loose them. The happier you’ll be. Don’t be victimized. You don’t have to experience the loose before you will realize that it’s not worth joining. Read the comments and be wise.
This is my chatting with kelly at surveys4checks!! Check it out!
You: Hi
Kelly Says: Hi, thanks for chatting with me today. Did you know that offers its members hundreds of paid survey, focus groups, and “get paid to do” opportunities in an organized and regularly updated fashion.
Kelly Says: We have a professionally designed sales page with clear and convincing advertising copy, videos, banners, and promotional emails. We will even help you run your own PPC campaign by providing keywords that work. We have spent years testing the landing page, the price point and the offer.
You: Hey, can I follow this website from indonesian??
Kelly Says: CLICK HERE to sign up today and receive $10 OFF through this limited time offer!
You: kelly, this is your picture??
Kelly Says: No, that’s not actually my picture.
You: you know sex??
You: I’m so horny now

Kelly Says: That is inappropriate.
You: ooh, dear.. you are so hot??
Kelly Says: Well thank you very much! That was nice
You: You robot!!
Kelly Says: My name is Kelly and I’m a live virtual agent.
You: can you say dirty word!! such as FUCK!!
Kelly Says: OK to end the CHAT simply CLICK on the “X” in the upper right.
You: I can’t, my hand is hurt.. can you treat it??
You: owh dear , you are so hot
You: kelly, you here??!!
Kelly Says: I’m still here. What can I help you with?
You: yeah.. u r so hot baby, Let’s sex with me
Kelly Says: Okay great. CLICK HERE and fill out the page in order to take advantage of this great offer.
You: great!! my god!! Let’s doing, where is your apartment or home?
You: c’mon baby.. where is your home?? aaah, your telephone number??
Kelly Says: For more questions or information, please email to contact customer service.
You: what can I do , if I pay $10 for membership??
Kelly Says: charges a one time only registration fee because we only want serious job applicants filling out our surveys. If we allowed access to the surveys for free we would have “curiosity” applicants filling out survey applications that were not really serious about the surveys, and taking up applications intended for serious job applicants.
You: ahh, I think I can fucked you if I pay $10.. thank you!! I dissapointed
Kelly Says: You’re very welcome!
im about to invest to this surveys4checks, i hope all of what you have mentioned above is not true… i just wanna try it, i believe that there’s no harm on trying… God Bless ya’ll..