How To Send a Koodo Text Message
It’s not hard to send a Koodo text message for free. you’ll notice with Koodo most free SMS providers haven’t added Koodo to there list of sms software’s. If your at home or even surfing online with your phone you can simply email a user the text message.
The way how you send this email is:
The persons phone number
So if the person(s) phone number was 416 967 1111 you send an email like this
As far as i know you can use any free email service to do this. If you have a koodo phone number you can try it on yourself just to make sure that it works.
Leave me a message if this link is out dated but you can also use the Koodo website to send a message i’ve shrunk the link but you can use the following link that will take you straight to the text messaging spot for Koodo Mobile.
When using this method you will also notice that you can use a return phone number which is a good idea so the recipient of your messages knows how is messaging them.
One thing to remember also Only Koodo Mobile customers will receive messages sent from it won’t work on any other provider because when you use this message think of it like sending an email message.
Well that’s all folks it’s really not that hard you can also use the email method to send text messages to other Canadian and U.S cell phone providers take note each cell phone company has there own email address, you can visit the link below to get most of them.
Thats all folks leave any comments or questions below.
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