Election Day Protest Even If Joe Biden Wins: How The Democrats Destroyed America by Aligning with the Socialists – November 4, 2020,
So, the Democrats desperate for votes aligned themselves with the Socialists and Marxists and now that these far Leftists have gotten a taste of power, they’ve decided that they’re going to protest or March on Washington regardless of who wins the Presidency.
I’ve stated in prior posts if the U.S dollar drops in value it’s a clear sign that Joe Biden will be the next President of the United States, a lot of people we’re looking at the Stock Market, I only pay attention to the Forex Markets, because Joe Biden is a signal that America will lose its reserve currency status.
Now, once it’s official that Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States I expect that the U.S dollar will trend lower until the currency wars begin. I expect the Central banks of countries like Canada as an example to go into negative interest rate territory, also I expect the next 2 years under Joe Biden to be extremely bad for the U.S economy especially if the Democrats win the House and the Senate which they’re currently on pace to do.
Now, the fragile world can’t handle a stagnant U.S economy and I also expect that Joe Biden will step down as President amongst the chaos by the Marxist protestors and Kamala Harris will at some point be the leader of the free world.
As bad as things look this is actually the best thing to happen to the Republican Party because Americans will be able to experience that Jimmy Carter effect in that Democrat incompetence will be on full display for the next 2 years and I’m sorry but get prepared for a cold winter if Joe Biden is indeed the 46th President of the United States.
A few things Americans and the World will be reminded of when Joe Biden becomes the 46th President of the United States
So a few things I will call, first off Oil price will go up, expect ISIS to return, expect Iran to be a huge problem, expect North Korea and China to be a major problem, expect Stimulus to get done but have minimal effects on the economy, expect a stagnant U.S economy until the currency wars begin.
Any speech Joe Biden makes won’t be good news for the markets, Joe Biden will raise taxes, will add back regulations especially if the Democrats have control of the House and Senate, all of this s going to have a negative effect on middle-class America and again I expect Oil prices to spike all over the world under Joe Biden which means higher cost of living.
How the currency wars will happen is other countries are going to find their currencies appreciating next to the U.S dollar and these countries are going to do everything in their power to stop it, unfortunately, this appreciated U.S dollar will not lower the cost of living for Americans, in fact, the Democrats might look at an appreciated dollar as a reason to spend even more, this is what is going to trigger talks of removing the U.S dollar from reserve currency status.
Now, will the U.S dollar be removed from reserve currency status? I’m not sure, but now would be a good time if you haven’t done so yet to buy Gold and Silver, if you can afford it do not wait.
What is the Good News about Joe Biden becoming the 46th President of the United States?
Well, hopefully, most people will get a better understanding of how incompetent Leftism is in the modern era, there will be a different type of pension crisis coming to America, because of the decline of the stock market, I think bailouts of pensions by the Federal Government and the Federal Reserve will prove unsustainable and it’s just one of those things, I’m a believer that we’ve entered an era in which people have to learn things the hard way.
I’m a Christian, the bible is littered with stories like this, the obvious choice to be the leader is defeated by the incompetent leader. The people choose Barabbas over Jesus, Eve eats the apple, I think the White Liberals and Women won this election for Biden, and you reap what you sow.
The good news for us Conservatives is that we can now begin to imagine the world post-American experiment. I’ve personally never been a fan of Democracy, being that Constitution was a very well written document, the starting of the great new world isn’t that far off, I would exclude in the great new country the ability to create a welfare state.
Clearly, the Welfare State is going to eventually defeat America, there’s no getting around it. If no President is willing to end the Welfare State, it’s game over for the United States of America, we all know most Republicans didn’t like Donald Trump anyway, I personally admired Donald Trump but I wasn’t a huge fan of all of his Welfare State policies.
In this modern era, now that we’ve learned from the past, there exists an opportunity to reshape humanity’s future. There needs to be a strategy by those of us on the right to relive ourselves from the stupidity of the Left. Joe Biden’s incompetence should inspire Conservatives to get more creative moving forward.
As is the case in Canada, I personally don’t care too much who the Prime Minister of the country is anymore, I focus on education and flexibility, I limit my exposure to Leftists and accept the fact that education is the only way to fix my personal life. Leftism is oppression and tyranny, and I advise anyone reading this to get used to bartering with like-minded people.
Stop working for money, money has been politicized, concentrate on becoming the best person you can be, Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.. Based on the election results, it’s clear that enough Americans care nothing about individual rights and freedoms, and therefore, it’s best to limit your exposure to them, allow the world the Left creates to implode on them.
Do not entertain them, if they want a better life they will find you, stick together with like-minded people and I personally think it’s time to stop using social media. Trump had almost 4 years to make his own media platform, he didn’t he gave his power to big tech, I personally don’t think Twitter or Facebook should be regulated, we can stop using them if we want too.
All the people who voted for Trump could have followed trump on his own private social media platforms that MSM would have to come too if they wanted updates from Donald Trump. But instead, Trump left his fate to Google, Facebook, and Twitter and they screwed him over as they should have. So again opportunity exists with Joe Biden, his presidency s not to be squandered
Interesting times ahead!