Is Gavin Newsom Genuinely Mentally Retarded, or Is He Secretly a Drug Addict? (Gavin Newsom Target Theft Zoom Call) February 2, 2024
When I first watched the video below, it took me a while to digest it, and then I remembered that a lot of Democrat Liberals, live in their own echo chambers.
In regards to Gavin Newsom, the man, he’s not what you’d call an admirable entrepreneur, he’s not the type of entrepreneur you’d admire, he’s more of Donald Trump type of Entrepreneur, in that he hit the lottery in regards to his parents.
William Alfred Newsom III, was a state appeals court judge and attorney for Getty Oil. Similar to Justin Trudeau in Canada, just looking at his background, you can see how he may have come to the conclusions he came to in life.
Although Donald Trump is labeled a “Republican,” in practice, Donald Trump is more like a Moderate Democrat, and this is why to separate themselves from Donald Trump, you’ve seen Democrats move further to LEFT.
The video below basically exposes Gavin Newsom for being oblivious to the consequences of his actions as governor of California.
The reason I brought up Gavin’s DADDY in this post is because his dad’s connections, one could argue, assisted in the creation of Gavin’s circle of friends. Soon after graduating from Santa Clara University in 1989, Gavin founded the boutique winery PlumpJack Group with family friend Gordon Getty, who just so happens to be an HEIR of a billion-dollar fortune.
I brought up Justin Trudeau, because, his GRANDFATHER, got rich in the oil business, and you see how dumb he is, well, Getty Oil Company, started from Gordon Getty’s DADDY, Jean Paul Getty Sr.
So, one could make an argument as to why Gordon Getty and Gavin Newsom would be perceived to be successful businessmen, when in fact, they’re the BENEFICIARIES of those who came before them.
I bash on Donald Trump a lot because a key factor with FREE MARKET capitalism is NOT allowing price controls. Price fixing allows IDIOTS to remain rich and wealthy. When you call for lower UNWARRANTED interest rates, you help to FINANCE demons like Gavin Newsom.
“Rich” people used to go bankrupt A LOT, especially during the periods in which money was backed by Gold, rich people with HORRIBLE financial ideas going bankrupt is a good thing. It’s healthy; it prevents SLAVERY, a family fortune from being wiped out because of horrible ideas is healthy it’s nature, it’s how we innovate and evolve.
When bad concepts of thinking are allowed to financially flourish, who can blame the financially uneducated for following fools? I’m personally glad this video of Gavin Newsom was released, because prior to watching this video, I had no desire to research the man
After doing my research on him, everything about him is starting to make more sense, as I’ve grown up with a lot of SPOILED brats, who now in their 50s and 60s are still dependent on mom, dad, friends or THE GOVERNMENT for their survival.
What’s there to admire about them? Do you see why these younger generations are behaving the way they do? Do you not see the correlation? Everything is relative, if you were brought up CODDLED, your memories, in your present will imagine a reality that is OPPOSITE of what you stand for.
People keep bashing millennials for their bad financial decisions; I always say, have you talked to the parents of a lot of the millennials? A lot of the parents of millennials were hippies or hippy sympathizers, DRUG ADDICTS, crackheads, welfare kings, and Queens, and lazier than you can imagine.
The welfare state creates generations of entitled LAZY people, and the entitlement generation predates millennials. Gavin is starting to make more sense to me now, if this post doesn’t make sense to you, and you’re a LEFTIST, you’d be wise to look up the following names Getty Oil Company, Jean Paul Getty Sr., William Alfred Newsom III, and then read Thomas Piketty Capital.
Although I disagree with the premise of Thomas Piketty’s book “Capital” in that he concludes that a BIGGER GOVERNMENT could solve inequality, he does target the problem with SOCIALISM, which is what FIAT money is used for.
The flaw in Capitalism that people forget is that Capitalism allows FAILURE; capitalism is deflationary, and PRICES, which include WAGES, can fall into a free market capitalist society.
If you know anything about the labor movements, they revolve around PRICE CONTROLS, elevating falling WAGES, which is the same thing as elevating falling prices. Wages are nothing more than fancy word for PRICES.
When prices are allowed to retreat, wage earners in those prior eras felt like they were being CHEATED. If their employer could fire them whenever they wanted, wage earners felt like they were being cheated.
Still, the beauty of capitalism revolves around ABUNDANCE, the ability to start a new job, or start your own business is what FREEDOM is all about, of course the Left wants to put limits on freedom, REDEFINE FREEDOMS, restrict freedom, and censor freedom.
If you DEMAND that the government controls prices in some shape or form, if you believe the government should be allowed to redistribute PROPERTY(which includes money) as it pleases, then you’re a SOCIALIST.
The downside to being a socialist is that you inevitably become a LAZY thinker, as you can CENSOR words or feelings you don’t like while potentially receiving FINANCIAL rewards for doing so.
A lot of the modern wealthy people who inherited their wealth, logically have a TWISTED view of the world, because they’ve never HAD to work hard to survive. They’re lazy thinkers, and that video with Gavin Newsom is the perfect example of someone, who has developed the habit of CENSORING speech from his mind that he disagrees with.
So, all Gavin listens to are YES, MEN, his echo chambers reinforce his ideals. Regarding his “business” one has to wonder what role he ever had in the business. a billion dollars is 1000 millions, a lot of mismanagement problems can go away with 1000 millions.
Interesting times ahead!