Justin Trudeau And Skin-Crawling-Socialism
It’s one thing to be a socialist, to believe in socialism, to imagine socialism as your guiding star; it’s something else to be incompetent economically. Canada has LUXURIES, other DEVELOPED nations don’t have, Sharing a BORDER with the United States comes to mind.
The U.S. & Swiss Constitutions stand out ECONOMICALLY in that they distinctly separate Local, State, and Federal Powers. Secession-like politics are built into the constitutions of those two nations, and this FUELS the demand for their currencies.
Even if you’re anti-capitalist, PROPERTY-RIGHTS plays a huge role in the wealth of a nation. For example, PRIVATE INSURANCE and PRIVATE Banking, are key indicators of how attractive a nation will be to outside investors.
People tend to forget that money is property, and if let’s say the Prime Minister of Canada, decides to CONFISCATE Canadian’s property, because he doesn’t like the politics of people protesting his tyrannical agenda, well then you get the more affluent people with more PROPERTY to lose, reconsidering Canada as a place to leave their CAPITAL in the long-run.
This, among other things, fuels consumer price inflation because if there are fewer reasons for non-Canadians to hoard Canadian dollars, the Central Bank of Canada will have to make the Canadian dollar more attractive.
Skin Crawling Socialism revolves around the most pathetic people in a Nation, having control over that nation. As a private citizen, Justin Trudeau would make most people’s skin crawl; sure, he’s good-looking, but good looks only get you so far; humans of substance want to investigate, get to know you, judge you from a distance, judge you up close, and the eye test, the smell test, the financial and economic IQ test for Trudeau tell a story of a child living in a grown man’s body.
POLITICALLY, most people will give Trudeau his flowers, but that says more about Canadian voters than Justin Trudeau. Skin-crawling socialism has appeared to be embedded in parts of Canadian culture, and the reason is likely because of the Canadian WELFARE STATE.
You can blame Justin Trudeau for all your problems, or you could start serving the system of governance in Canada, which has a lot of PRICE CONTROLS. Price controls, remind me of parents SPOILING their children.
Instead of teaching your children how to manage their house, personal lives, and finances, you throw money and “free” resources at them, hoping that everything turns out well as they age.
But these free resources, allow the child to grow into adulthood with a sense of ENTITLEMENT. The Government Minister of Environment and Climate Change of Canada Steven Guilbeault (Yes, we have a climate change government official in Canada) as of the date I’m writing this is 53 years old.
He’s a professional PROTESTOR that climbed the ranks of politics, if you listen to him in French or English, he sounds like an IDIOT, he looks like an idiot, and Steven Guilbeault is one of the key figures in the Justin Trudeau cabinet destroying the Canadian economy.
Now, if you’re a Canadian who is accustomed to cradle-to-grave welfare from the government, you likely don’t imagine how Steven Guilbeault and Justin Trudeau make people’s SKIN CRAWL, and why should you? When people are brainwashed, it’s hard for them to see the world outside their bubble and echo chamber.
When you’re a skin-crawling socialist, you likely have mental health issues, and you don’t know why. Now, for those of us with a little common sense, we all know having a VICTIMHOOD mentality and/or imagining the world is going to end, and THE GOVERNMENT needs to do something about it will lead to mental health issues.
If you don’t truly believe in God, you want “someone” to be in charge, this is how dictators are born. As a Christian, who reads the bible in detail, you start to see how IMPERFECT all the “prophets” were.
‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ Jesus, according to the scriptures, said that, prior to his dying on the cross, having FAITH in God equated to a happy existence, but as most people figure out, most people DO NOT have faith in God and are actually in search of a God to worship.
Idol worshipping is a real thing in modern-day Canada and in many parts of the Western World, and idol worship is why Canada has a Minister of Environment and Climate Change.
Doesn’t that title for a government official sound RIDICULOUS to you? He’s basically an overpaid, glorified weatherman. If you’re the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, finding a solution will cost you your job; however, complicating this “climate change problem” guarantees you die a wealthy man.
Canada and a large chunk of the United States used to be a large sheet of ice, and that ice began melting long before fossil fuels were discovered. Starting from this point in a debate with a climate change alarmist will yield you NOTHING because their extremist views are RELIGIOUS in origin.
Let’s imagine for a moment you’re an atheist; all of this “God” stuff sounds ancient and silly; you’d be wise to consider why religions, deities, and spirituality are always IN-DEMAND. It’s because humans naturally want something to BELIEVE in, a cause, a purpose for their life. Even if you imagine you’re an atheist, you may indeed have a GOD substitute, so for people like myself, who enjoy attempting to see the world from the eyes of another, I see added value to Judeo-Christian values that most people ignore.
Majority — including two-in-five past Liberal voters — say Trudeau should step down | angusreid.org
There are a lot of viable counterarguments to the climate change alarmists. However, the skin-crawling-socialists have a tight grip on their followers. In practice, what does this mean exactly? I’d argue more of the same until the economic collapse.
In real-time, I hope you’re seeing how great empires of the past were destroyed. In the Ancient REPUBLIC of Rome, the Pre-Ceasar era, the government had gotten so large that there became a DEMAND for a Julius Caesar, an AUTHORITARIAN figure, which made economics seem so simple.
There was a welfare state in Rome prior to Caesar, and the way the Romans fed the welfare state was via CONQUESTS. After the Romans conquered a new territory, they CONFISCATED the property of the people they conquered.
Trudeau government increased federal employees 40% since election in 2015 | nationalpost.com
Spending on the public service has also grown since the 2019-20 fiscal year, increasing by 32-per-cent
Bryan Passifiume
Published Jul 10, 2023 • Last updated Jul 10, 2023
Well, Rome, as you’d imagine, was by our standards a REGULATIONS nightmare before Caesar, but it became a worse nightmare after Ceasar changed the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire.
During the Roman era, people learned from people like Socrates, who had an interesting take on Democracy, so the Roman Republic was used to prevent DEMOCRACY (majority rule) from destroying society. Humans have the RIGHT to be stupid. I can’t force anyone to learn anything, and even if I force someone to learn something, once they’re outside my influence, they can resort to imagining the world in the way they want.
Now, why is economics so important in this process? Because, under a free market capitalist system, your actions have FINANCIAL consequences, which will lead to BANKRUPTCY if you overextend yourself.
If you know anything about Ancient Rome, you’d know they ran entire serious money problems, to the point that their government diluted the silver and gold content in their currency. Why the government had to do this primarily was because of BIG GOVERNMENT spending on BAD IDEAS.
If you know about the story of Constantinople(a formerly Rome-controlled Region), for example, it didn’t fall because the Ottomans had a stronger Army; it fell because Roman citizens didn’t see anything worth fighting for. A paid group of mercenaries was required to defend Constantinople from a paid group of Ottoman mercenaries that had more to fight for.
The leaders of Rome at the time were not respected; the religious and political leaders had to pay out of pocket to get people to defend Rome; why? Because it became apparent to the people who did the heavy lifting in society that the leadership was SKIN-CRAWLING-PATHETIC.
Similar to modern times, in which you’ll see leaders of large corporations siding with low-IQ politicians, you had that problem in the ancient world. If the “people” are allowing themselves to be controlled by these morons, why should SKILLED professionals rock the boat? Why not capitalize personally on the stupidity?
Below is the Trudeau popularity tracker by Angus Reid; if the data does not show up below, you can click the link provided or search for “Trudeau popularity in Google”.
Approve/Disapprove of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau | angusreid.org
If you’re not comprehending where I’m going with this, this is why capitalism is so successful: Capitalism is based on INNOVATION, innovation of THOUGHT. Once you observe AUTHORITARIAN figures up close, they’re pathetic. The best part of Hitler is that he died or disappeared before anyone could interview him.
From a distance, a lot of these “political leaders” appear powerful, but up close, they’re very unimpressive and easy to EXTORT. This is why if you allow others to do your thinking for you, you become pathetic. I say it proudly: Justin Trudeau won all three elections FAIR AND SQUARE. I’m an outgoing person, and if you talk to most Canadians, you can see why many voted for him or a Left Wing candidate; a lot of Canadians, from an outsider’s perspective, are pathetic.
Federal government’s record-breaking spending saddles Canadians with huge debt | fraserinstitute.org
When you think about Cuba, North Korea, many parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, or even China, you might ask yourself, how could people allow their government to do that to them? The answer is simple: they allow “leaders” to do their thinking for them, they look for easy answers, and they raise their children to imagine the world the same way they do.
So the more aggressive that type of society gets ahead, and in Canada, Skin-Crawling-Socialists like Justin Trudeau found their way to the top.
Interesting times ahead!