There are only TWO modern politicians I genuinely admire, the first being Luis Fortuño & the second being Javier Gerardo Milei. Both of them being Spanish decent. Javier Milei, differs because I don’t think he speaks any English, which is very interesting because, typically the Spanish people I meet who fully comprehend Austrian economics, speak English and Spanish.
What I’m getting at is that the Javier Gerardo Milei way of thinking has already spread in Spanish-speaking nations, and sure, you can accept or reject his philosophies, but they’re out there in the world now, equating to more people having the ability to embrace individualism, and reject collectivism.
So, legal tender laws are a huge thing, and for people confused about the importance of legal tender laws, legal tender laws are how governments COLLECT TAXES in a form that grants them the permission to be tyrannical.
I’m a Canadian; the current Prime Minister of Canada, WHEN HE FELT LIKE IT, declared what is known in Canada as the EMERGENCIES ACT. Now, when this tyrannical leader did this, his low-IQ finance minister went as far as to imagine that she had the ability to control the BITCOIN and cryptocurrency markets.
For someone like myself, I had to record that event because it was hilarious by my standards because people unaware of how totalitarianism works is that if you’re going to take hardline approaches to politics, you’d better be willing to FREQUENTLY mash skulls because humans are inherently rebellious against authority figures.
Canada’s currency is as far as the Canadian government can go in regard to controlling the medium of exchange. One of the reasons I speak negatively about a GOVERNMENT Gold standard is because democracy among IMMORAL people (collectivists) revolves around wealth redistribution.
There’s no way a GOVERNMENT gold standard survives under most modern Western democracies. Switzerland, is the rare country that fashioned itself after the U.S. Constitution, the Swiss opting to keep their FEDERAL western government SMALL, helps to COMPLICATE property rights in their country, which is GREAT thing.
A Justin Trudeau is powerless in Switzerland, I like to remind people that the Swiss in certain regions have a WEALTH TAX, but as many will tell you it’s not enforced, because local governments, in Switerland a lot more power than the Federal government.
Similar to the U.S. in Switzerland, like-minded people tend to live amongst themselves; in the U.S., people like myself have ZERO interest in visiting a Democrat-run State or city. I believe left-wingers have the right to exist, but I’d rather stay as far away from them as possible, the same way I’d avoid surrounding myself with Islamic terrorists.
Collectivists have a ONE SIZE fits all approach to PROPERTY RIGHTS, Leftist want to FORCE people to do things, Leftists want a strongman to do their theft for them, and Legal Tender Laws assist Leftists in the pursuit.
If the value of your wealth revolves around LEGAL TENDER, this makes it easy for the government to steal from you. Now, if there are no legal tender laws, if the government steals from you, the government will also have to know how to successfully redistribute what it’s stolen from you to it’s choose recipient of your stolen property.
This is why when politicians raise taxes and create excessive regulations on private businesses, these politicians end up losing tax revenues in their own currencies. PROPERTY RIGHTS can’t be defined by a medium of exchange.
Currencies or mediums of exchange are nothing more than CONVENIENT forms of barter, and legal tender laws actually represent INCONVENIENCE because legal tender laws make it easier, for example, to collect TAXES.
What are taxes really? Taxes are regulations on productivity. If you ever wonder how drug lords get so much power so quickly, it’s because they don’t pay TAXES. You’d be shocked to learn how wealthy HUMANITY already is if we didn’t pay TAXES.
In modern times, we can barely see the stars; however, in eras past, when governments couldn’t steal/tax your money before it got into your hands, humans knew TAXATION WAS A FORM OF THEFT.
Most humans, even so-called Conservatives in the modern era, don’t believe taxation is theft; most people think taxes go to help “the poor.” This is nonsense; taxes go to help solidify the power of the government.
Since when did taxes fix roads and save people from criminals? Ever noticed that the police usually show up AFTER the crime is committed. After a crime has happened to you, you know how SLOW the wheels of “Justice” take; well, if you’re a TAX payer, why isn’t the system of “Justice” expedited, and why don’t we have the ability as TAXPAYERS, to expedite the judicial process? If we’re living in a Republic, the laws have already been written; it’s merely a matter of interpreting the law, and we already have an appeals process.
Why haven’t taxes led to efficiencies? Why haven’t legal tender laws made government more efficient? Legal Tender is “muy importante” to the financial education process for the common man.
Financial education is way more important than a Gold Standard or Bitcoin standard. If you read the material of those who came before us, they were allowing their minds to expand; they were expanding their thinking.
In modern times, humans have adopted this consolidation way of think; humans are imagining that they’ve figure everything out already. Central Bank digital currencies are funny to me and are emblematic of the flaws of democracy.
The mere fact anyone, including a communist, would be dumb enough to imagine a central bank digital currencies will be better than the crappy fiat monetary system we have today hasn’t done any study on how ALL governments have destroyed their own LEGAL TENDER system.
Price controls are IMPOSSIBLE to enforce if there are no legal tender laws; this is the GENIUS of Javier Gerardo Milei that is going unnoticed. Now if you’re an ach-capitalist, chances are you you’ve thought about these subjects, but if you’re a Libertarian, or Conserative, you’re waiting on Donald Trump to “save” you from the Far Left.
As a Christian, I like to remind people that Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, laid out the blueprint for how to destroy the devil. A lot of people in positions of power did not want COMMON PEOPLE to have access to the holy book because they knew the power of Jesus Christ.
Tyrannts aren’t nothing knew, atheists are nothing new, non-believers are nothing new, as a Christian we don’t even have to address this morons. I’m writing this for believers of TRUTH and Justice, Love, and Prosperity.
When you have love in your heart, you don’t have to prop up the devil; the devil LOST already, and when God decides to destroy the world, which appears to have happened several times on this planet, there’s nothing your GOVERNMENT can do about it.
It’s hilarious that we have people who genuinely want the government to control the weather; oddly enough, now that all of these environmental socialist demons are in positions of power, the entire planet is getting poorer.
No, if you believe in collectivism, you’re assuming this is pure coincidence lol, if you’re a believer in Christ, you saw this a mile away and this again is here I have to give Javier Milei credit, because similar to Luis Fortuño, he attempted to cut off the head of snake.
You’ll notice that men of lower political intelligence, like Donald Trump, attempted to mold the snake in his own image. Attempting to play the role of God, I’ve heard Trump say several times, “Only I can fix it,” referring to himself; fix what? Human behavior?
Now, if you watch The Matrix, Neo destroys Agent Smith by going inside Agent Smith and breaking Smith, decoding him, and breaking him up into trillions of pieces. And even then, Agent Smith returned because evil will always return, which is why a static existence will NEVER exist for humanity.
So, if that’s the reality of human nature, we should be fighting to create a society that is reflective of internal Bliss. Yes, the dollar is strong today, but suppose it loses demand in the future; if this law in Argentina stands, Argentina, possibly in a decade, might be the richest country on earth. You may want to consider brushing up on your Spanish because Hispanics have a huge presence in the United States, and Latina America has the potential to be the wealthiest region on earth.
Interesting times ahead!