Anti-Semitism, Left Wing Jews, & The Overall Lower IQs of Left Wing Voters That High IQ Leftists PREY on, is now coming back to haunt them – Thousands in Montreal rally for HAMAS – October 5, 2023
I’ve been writing about the ECONOMIC similarities of Democratic and National Socialism, along with Marxism, for quite some time now. Personally, I draw most of my conclusions based on ECONOMIC outcomes along with CULTURES.
I’m definitely not the best follower of Christ Jesus my savior. However, I will acknowledge that with without Judeo-Christian values, it would be impossible for me to comprehend the power of Jesus Christ.
The underpinnings that brought UNLIMITED wealth to this planet is derived from Jewish CULTURE, and it’s for this reason that I point to as the root cause of hatred to the Jewish people.
I also like to write about the Athiest version to the Jews, which is Chinese and Asian culture, which revolves around DISCIPLINE. Chinese people, regardless of the economic system you put them in, tend to rise to the top of the economic food chain because their culture focuses on their ECONOMIC well-being.
If you have HATE in your heart, it’s IMPOSSIBLE for you to comprehend how capitalism TRUMPS all versions and derivatives of SOCIALISM. I also hate the idea of people saying capitalism doesn’t come naturally to people because it does; the problem with democratic and National socialism is that people of lower intelligence want EASY fixes to the FLAWS in their CULTURE.
If it weren’t for the British Commonwealth, we’d be living in a world in which “to the victor belong the spoils,” meaning that land or property only belongs to you if you can defend it.
When Israel was created, the British could carve out parcels of land and give it to other nations because the British and U.S. militaries were that powerful. Property rights for the common man are not a GIVEN; it’s something fought for. Liberties and freedoms are something given to people. These PRIVILEGES were fought for.
‘Because it’s 2015’: Trudeau forms Canada’s 1st gender-balanced cabinet
In the modern era, primarily because Leftists have control over the education systems in the West a lot of people are imagining that Judeo-Christian values are some sort of UNIVERSAL LAW.
This has always been my problem with atheists: Atheist’s like to base their worldview on Judeo-Christian VALUES and imagine that their atheist worldview is AUTOMATIC and everyone should bow down to their WESTERN atheist views of the world.
There is no UNIVERSAL LAW without the word of GOD. The word of God is words put together that PROPERLY organize society under his teachings. The world has generated so much wealth that we can now have genuine conversations about ANARCHO-CAPITALISM.
The goal of a follower of Christ is to rid themselves of GOVERNMENT, but this is a process; if you’re a follower of Christ, you don’t build up enough hate to KILL Jewish babies.
The “Palestinian” people aren’t SLAVES; they’re actually sitting on PRIME real estate; one could argue that the land Palestine is sitting on is better than the land Israel currently has; however, because there is so much HATRED in the hearts and minds of some of the Palestinian people, they don’t SEE the world this way.
Left-Wing Jews and The Welfare State
They see a potential ally and friend as an enemy that doesn’t deserve to live. I’ve personally observed this type of behavior from LEFT wingers in the West regarding Chinese people.
Chinese people living in Western nations have a DISCIPLINE you don’t find in most humans or ethnic groups, and this discipline equates to economic and financial wealth for them. This attracts a lot of hate from people who want a WELFARE state.
It’s taxing being a slave to the Holy Book, which is why you’ll see a lot of Jews as adults become ATHEISTS. You’ll notice that a lot of atheist Jews still hang onto their Jewish culture while simultaneously hoarding atheist views.
Bill Maher is the perfect example of your stereotypically atheist-Left-Wing-Jew. If something affects him PERSONALLY, he becomes Conservative, but when he sees something as not a threat to him personally, he’s a full-blown atheist-leftist.
Left Wing Jews love the Welfare State, because they know that under God or even under a more Conservatively run Government, their bullshit gets called out. This is why you’ll often find Left Wing Jewish organizations like the Anti-Defamation League(ADL) going after people’s freedom of speech.
On the surface, it might appear like they’re fighting the good fight, but the truth is they’re fighting against CONSERVATISM. Conservatism is NOT perfect; Conservatism is PROTECTING the ORIGINS of the REPUBLIC.
This is one of the reasons why most MODERN Conservatives identify with CLASSICAL LIBERALS. Liberals and Leftists, however, are not the same thing. Classical Liberals LOVE to debate Conservatives, whereas left-wingers want to CENSOR their opposition.
You’ll also notice some CONSERVATIVES like to censor their opposition, sometimes claiming that it’s in retaliation to their opposition; again, Conservatism is NOT perfect; some TERRORISTS are indeed trying to CONSERVE their failed ideologies.
But Judeo-Christian values have not FAILED, they’ve been infiltrated, and this confusion leads to some imagining that as Christians, we should be building a WELFARE STATE.
This WELFARE State, for obvious reasons, has attracted the worst of the worst to rise to power in Western nations, and the most intelligent amongst these Left-wing extremists love the idea of having their OWN army or militia that will cause Western society to become UNSTABLE.
In regards to Hamas and Palestine, as I’ve written about in other posts if let’s imagine for a moment that Justin Trudeau sparks a war with India, India declares war on Canada, and the United States decides to remain neutral, it doesn’t matter if I DID NOT vote for Justin Trudeau, he’s still the prime minister of this country and if I don’t want India to take over Canada, I’d better be willing to give my life for my country.
People vote for or support stupid leaders and dumb governments all the time. This is actually the NORM in the world, and if the MAJORITY of people support or prop up an evil regime, unfortunately, thy might pay for the actions of their government.
This is why if you love liberty and freedom, you have to do your part to preserve and maintain it. Life isn’t fair, it will be fair, and anyone trying to convince you that it can be fair is likely a LOW IQ EXTREMISTS who wants to use violence to EXTERMINATE his opposition.
I remind you that the word of GOD created the Judeo-Christian values, God’s INSPIRED word created the Western world we enjoy today. Atheists, LeftWingers wherever they’ve been allowed to flourish, have DESTROYED everything they get control over.
Majority — including two-in-five past Liberal voters — say Trudeau should step down |
To a lot of Leftists in the Western World, these Hamas supporters are a potential VOTING BLOCK that they do not want to lose. The left-wing atheists imagine followers of Christ and the Jewish people as their SLAVES/infidels who can stabilize society no matter what the LEFT WINGERS do.
If you listen to Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden, you’l notice how delusional they are, always blaming their opposition for their short-comings, it’s the same logic amongst people of lower intelligence: blame someone else for my shortcomings, blame Israel because Hamas turned a paradise into a war-zone, blame Conservatives because Justin Trudeau’s carbon tax is causing consumer prices to rise.
Never any personal responsibility; Left Wing Atheists and extremists want to behave like SPOILED Children from cradle to grave. It’s those people’s fault over there why the lives of my people suck.
Below is the Trudeau popularity tracker by Angus Reid; if the data does not show up below, you can click the link provided or search for “Trudeau popularity in Google”.
Approve/Disapprove of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau |
Instinctively, God’s people attract WEALTH and abundance, and ofcourse, the devil wants to destroy that because the devil wants you to DOUBT God. When Athiest National and Democratic Socialists imagine Jews, they see the same thing Islamic extremists see, and that’s the WEALTH of being a true believer in God.
Thoughts become things; if you’re JEALOUS of other people, you’ll act on it. You have to remember that all branches of socialism HATE Jews, and this has very little to do with the Israel; this, from my point of view, has EVERYTHING to do with the wealth the Jewish people attract.
You’ll notice that I bring up Chinese people in this same conversation as well; why? Well, I’ve observed a similar hatred towards Chinese people, who also tend to attract a lot of wealth.
Now, as a Christian, you can see why the United States propped up some Arab and Islamic States because if you’re a true believer in Christ, you get to the HEART of problems.
Although I’m not promoting interventionist foreign policies, I hope you’re starting to see why some in the United States sought to prop up certain dictators in certain regions of the world.
Where I differ from racists when it comes to the I debate is that I am of the belief that Thomas Sowell had it right all along that IQ revolves around one’s ENVIRONMENT, not someone’s RACE.
Once you accept Thomas Sowell’s premise, you’ll get a better comprehension as to why the evilest people in society and on this planet focus on controlling the education systems in the Western world.
Democrats’ Sympathies in Middle East Shift to Palestinians |
WASHINGTON, D.C. — After a decade in which Democrats have shown increasing affinity toward the Palestinians, their sympathies in the Middle East now lie more with the Palestinians than the Israelis, 49% versus 38%.
Today’s attitudes reflect an 11-percentage-point increase over the past year in Democrats’ sympathy with the Palestinians. At the same time, the percentages sympathizing more with the Israelis (38%) and those not favoring a side (13%) have dipped to new lows.
In practice, Quebec is the most RACIST place in Canada; interestingly enough, Quebec has the largest WELFARE STATE in Canada. Racist and bigoted people tend to want EASY answers and EXCLUDE themselves as the creators of their economic and financial problems.
Interesting times ahead!