eBook Services Alternatives – BookBaby eBook Services Review
First and foremost “Book Baby” is NOT a scam, it’s legit it’s a good company worth considering, they have good publishing services that on 1000s of reviews can definitely change your fortunes for the better, but there are people like myself who publish eBooks or would like to publish eBooks every day if we could and this is one of the reasons why more and more people are seeking out cost-effective digital eBook alternatives.
If you’re looking to publish eBooks without having to write a single word, you’ll definitely want to consider checking out eBook Designer they’ve really changed the eBook designing and publishing game, no longer do you have to pay thousands of dollars to get someone else to design eBooks for you, because with eBook Designer they not only have templates, they allow the flexibility to design your own eBook quickly and publish your eBook in all the popular digital formats.
With eBook Designer you’re no longer reliant on Amazon and Kindle, sure you can still sell on those platforms but you’ll no longer be reliant on them and that’s very liberating. Now, for the interest of transparency, eBook Designer has one OPTIONAL upsell which will give access to additional services, that could actually put you in the business of operating your own eBook publishing business, or maybe you just want the advantage of having more options of designing your eBook, that choice is yours.
I want to make it clear as well that eBook Designer allows you to download your eBook and put it in the format Amazon likes on Kindle. Why eBook Designer is so good is that after you buy the software, you own it and they have a very helpful staff that helps you along the way. I contact their staff almost daily, sometimes even to discuss topics they’ve already covered and they’re very helpful to me.
As a writer who focuses on customer satisfaction, sometimes I’ll get lost in the number of features eBook Designer has and I’ll contact their staff and within an hour usually, they’ll have an answer for me, and this comes free with the service I signed up for. BabyBook is fabulous and so is eBook Designer so if you’re looking for an alternative to eBook publishing consider eBook Designer you can contact them with any problems or concerns you might have.