Deputy Prime Minister of Canada Chrystia Freeland (Klaus Schwab) Will Nationalize Your Crypto If She Doesn’t Like How You’re Spending it – February 15, 2022,
It’s February 15 and to date, there haven’t been any violent protests at the Freedom Convoy, so the municipal and Provincial Police haven’t had any reason to make sweeping arrests. The optics for this haven’t done current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau any favors, so Justin Trudeau decided to invoke a law, created by his father, to give his MINORITY government DICTATORIAL POWERS.
Chrystia Freeland
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada
Chrystia Freeland
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada |
Dictators usually resort to force or fraud to gain despotic political power, which they maintain through the use of intimidation, terror, and the suppression of basic civil liberties. You will own nothing and be happy is a video released by the World Economic forum, and during a peaceful protest, Justin Trudeau, decided to make himself dictator, and one the first things that Chrystia Freeland said was that her government plans on confiscating your money or things of value?
World Economic Forum Announces New Trustees | Published 25 Jan 2019 |
Chrystia Freeland began her career as a Ukraine-based news correspondent and held senior positions at the Globe and Mail, the Financial Times, and Thomson Reuters. She was first elected to the Canadian Parliament in November 2013 and was appointed International Trade Minister in November 2015, and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada in January 2017. She has written two books: Sale of the Century (2000) and Plutocrats (2012). In 2018, she was recognized as Foreign Policy’s Diplomat of the Year and received the Eric M. Warburg Award from Atlantik-Brücke. Freeland speaks Russian, Ukrainian, Italian, French, and English.
With that said, similar to the protests the current Liberal government of Canada was for like the BLM and environmental protests, foreign money is being used to help finance the protestors. But unlike the BLM and environmental protests, the government has been unable to find any violence, so what does, Justin Trudeau do? Diplomacy? no, no, Justin Trudeau plays the dictator card, which allows his government to cease and freeze money his government imagines is being used to finance the Freedom Convoy.
There’s a soft dictatorship and it eventually turns into a more harsh dictatorship, this is why in case you’re wondering, some of us disagree with former President Donald Trump in regards to building a wall, because as we learned with the Berlin Wall in Germany, sometimes the wall can be used to keep you locked inside of a tyrannical country.
Because this post revolves around the confiscation of crypto, I’m not sure what this means for Bitcoin, as I’ve stated in other posts, I haven’t touched my crypto since purchasing it, because it’s traceable, “decentralized my ass”, is what I had been saying for years now. Physical cash is more decentralized than crypto is.
The good thing about crypto is that can’t actually seize it unless you give them your “passcodes”, but the government can trace your digital footprints. This is why for myself, I have a “meh” stance on crypto. You just never know! Currently crypto is trading above $44K+ but for me, that means nothing, if the powers that be can confiscate your profits, for any reason they can imagine. You have to remember that you can be a SUSPECT and have your life turned upside down by a tyrannical government.
To understand why some reporters claim that Vladimir Putin is the richest man in the world is to understand the Mikhail Khodorkovsky story. In Russia, as an example, Putin took everything from the richest man in Russia. Mikhail Khodorkovsky saw his money, power, and influence stripped by the Russian state. In Communist China, Jack Ma disappeared for a few weeks and then reappeared as a new man, In China, their basic dictatorship differs from Russia, there’s a lot more infighting in the Chinese Communist Party. Is China or Russia better off for nationalizing private property whenever they deem fit?For the Left-wing types, they tend to imagine the Government as GOD! Meaning that for many Leftists, it’s not that they hated the merger of Church and State, it’s that they secretly wanted a secular church-like state, so they wouldn’t have to adhere to any MORAL authority. As you’ll notice with Left-Wingers they make up morality as they go along (Nineteen Eighty-Four).
Anyway, if you can’t make the tyrannical connections of what’s happening in Canada, there’s nothing more for me to write at the moment, it’s a difficult task to unbrainwash people and quite frankly some humans like to be led by dictators. Just so you’re aware, the reason why Russia and China have infrastructure problems is that innovative, hard-working people don’t work hard for DICTATORS! Similar to working at a unionized job, working too hard can get you into trouble.
If Canada dissolved into a dictatorship, the first thing that’s going to happen is a lot of the most productive people in this country are going to leave, the productive people who stay, you might see a change in their behavior. Not necessarily a noticeable change, because nobody wants to upset the dictator, or end up in jail for using the wrong pronouns, so you’ll see a change in people.
New rules going after blockade financing an overreach, critics say |
a lot of Russian and Chinese people as an example don’t give a f*ck because what’s there to give a f*ck about? They own nothing and they have to pretend to be happy. If you’ve visited Cuba before, you’ll notice the people are nice but you’ll notice a lifelessness in the country, you strip people of their freedoms, liberties, and their abilities to provide for their families, and therefore their attitudes change.
In China, government and private sector workers take all sorts of short-cuts, in Russia, you’ll find members of their military taking government equipment on joy rides. You might not hear about this stuff, because of the MEDIA BLACKOUTS, but humans are inherently rebellious, so if you’re one of those idiots who imagine a basic dictatorship is good for Canada, you have seen nothing yet. Furthermore, with socialism, things deteriorate rather quickly, Socialist East Germany quickly descended into a hell hole, the Berlin Wall seemed like a good idea at the time, but eventually, socialist Germany wanted OUT of the hell hole they created for themselves
In the end, I’m not sure what these tyrannical measures by Justin Trudeau’s government mean, but if you’re reading this, if the Left Wingers have their way, don’t be surprised if America finds itself with two border problems!
Interesting times ahead!