Give Back Car The Joe Biden ESG Repo Crisis – November 15, 2023
The market has spoken; modern cars are way too WOKE, electric cars suck, and combustible engine cars have way too many BELLS and whistles and don’t justify the price, primarily because of the Environmental, Social, and Governance(ESG) movement that has forced CONSUMER prices to skyrocket.
So, the problem with ESG and the current Federal Government being led by Joe Biden, is that it ATTACKED DOMESTICALLY produced U.S. energy, then in order to be solvent, has to pass those additional Joe-Biden-ESG costs on to consumers.
When you’re in government, you can run TRILLION dollar deficits and grow your workforce without worry, but if you’re operating a LEGITIMATE business, there’s something called INFLATION and BANKRUPTCY that you have to worry about.
One of the reasons why smart businesses have to raise their prices aggressively is because their shareholders and employees EXPECT to be paid a dividend or wage that keeps pace with INFLATION.
if as a business you don’t make the people who invest or work for you happy, you don’t have a business; now, you’re saying to yourself, what about the consumers? Well, the consumers voted for Joe Biden, who has declared that there is a CLIMATE CRISIS.
A crisis equates to VOTERS of Joe Biden accepting that they will have a LOWER standard of living to combat the climate crisis. A legitimate business can not run a 34 trillion dollar deficit, if you’ve seen PRIVATE businesses close their doors, it’s because they can’t afford the COST or price of being in business and possibly no bank will lend them money.
When you’re in the federal government, you don’t have to worry about not having enough money, if you suckered enough people into lending 34 trillion, why not aim for 68 trillion in the future, but as these debts pile up, people and businesses who have to BALANCE their checkbook have decisions to make and one of the decisions they’re making is on how to get rid of their AUTO LOAN.
What a lot of people forget about the ESG movement is what it’s doing to the GIG economy; in California for example, they’ve basically been destroying their Gig economy, and although you can argue California is not Joe Biden’s fault, actually, it is partially is, because Joe Biden has made the process of energy discovery on FEDERALLY owned lands more difficult, which pushes energy prices up and because California has it’s own ESG policies, this accelerates the problem.
All of this CONSUMER PRICE inflation is resulting in more dollars being spent on FEWER goods and services; the entire U.S. economy prior to President Joe Biden, revolved around CHEAP ENERGY prices, Joe Biden changed all of that, and if you live in a town, city or State, with its own existing ESG policies, this compounds the cost of living increases for you.
Now, the gig economy, for example, was very good for the auto loan business because let’s say I’m a gig worker and gas is affordable. well now my courier business is profitable, but if this Joe Biden ESG economy is the new normal, my gig economy transportation business will be insolvent, especially for the average person, who has to pay all of these additional Joe Biden ESG carbon pricing fees.
If you’re in any type of dbt and you want to be solvent on that debt, your business has to be cash flow positive, meaning that if my auto loan costs me $700 per month but my courier gig makes me $3500 per month, well then that’s manageable, but if my auto loan is $700 per month and Joe Bidens war on fossil fuels, forces the prices for EVERYTHING in the economy upwards, including my gas or electricity bill, well then that $700 bill is harder to pay and because higher prices often lead to a slow down in the economy, maybe my clients call me less if I raise my prices, or maybe they call me less because they’re taking home less money.
Cheap electricity is the golden goose that lays the golden eggs, and current President Joe Biden killed, gutted, and baked the golden goose!
Interesting times ahead!