Is There Only One Way To Skin a Cat? Should Financial Education be One Side? Chris Selley claims Blaming bankers and bureaucrats only lets Liberals off the hook – May 22, 2022,
I do not consider myself a Libertarian, I do love liberty, but to label myself Libertarian doesn’t sit well with me, because Libertarians do a lot of Central Bank Bashing, whereas I bash what I believe is the main source of the problem “US”, our democratic system. I accept the reality that Socrates was right about Democracy all along, I personally believe that VOTING is a skill, I don’t think everyone should have the right to vote, I think Democracy needs to evolve, in that if you vote for something, you should have to PAY for what you vote for.
Oh, wait, we discovered the best democracy ever, THE FREE MARKET, so yes I lean more towards the CIVIL Anarchists who believe that civil people don’t need big government, the uncivil do need big government, which means, that the FEDERAL and possibly the Provincial governments in my dream democracy would have the LEAST amount of power and municipal governments would have the most power.
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In my dream scenario, the Left-wingers could observe their disastrous ideas in real-time, and be forced to do a comparative study, as opposed to forcing those of us more educated in the limited role the government is supposed to play to live out their left-wing fantasies. Our present Democratic system rewards buffoonery, because the Federal Government and its various branches which include THE BANK OF CANADA, can destroy the lives of the fiscally responsible.
Based on our current model of democracy, different politicians will employ different strategies to get the attention of the electorate. The Libertarians have done a good job branding themselves as the Conservative group that brings central banks to the forefront. Libertarians are right in the fact that central banks are a branch of communism.
In this cryptocurrency era, more and more YOUNG Canadians hoping to get rich from cryptocurrencies are now more than ever understanding what fiat money is. They’re also comprehending what a CENTRAL BANK is. Pierre Poilievre is obviously trying to tap into this crowd, why? Because young people won Justin Trudeau a majority. I like to remind readers that Justin Trudeau legalized pot. I know a lot of people personally, who NEVER vote, who voted for Justin Trudeau in 2015 ONLY because he promised to legalize the ganja.
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Could crypto be the new ganja? I don’t know, but I can’t blame Pierre Poilievre for trying to attract new Quebec and Ontario voters who might want to get rich quick and see crypto as their means to do so. You have to remember that Ontario and Quebec win elections, Pierre Poilievre is in an Ontario riding that could easily swing to the Left if he’s not in touch with his electorate.
I have to assume, he knows what he’s doing. Pierre Poilievre going after the Bank of Canada governor while inflation is running rampant, is one of those things, that people who don’t understand the role of central banks won’t care about, but those who do understand the role of central will care about, enough to potentially side with Pierre Poilievre.
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Roman Baber criticizing Dr. Theresa Tam is fair game, I think like 20% of Canadians can’t use certain private and public services because of Justin Trudeau’s banning of it? That’s a huge win for Roman Baber, does any Conservative vaccinated or unvaccinated really care about Dr. Theresa Tam’s job? No,ofcourse not. CONSERVATIVE voters aren’t going to say to themselves I refuse to support Roman Baber because he’s going to fire Theresa Tam? Let’s be serious.
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His last two wins, one of which was an early election, likely because the World Economic forum had plans for Canada, ended with Trudeau having a minority government. He won primarily because Erin O’Toole was spineless and Andrew Scheer was too reserved. Would Trudeau have beaten Conservative Party MP Maxime Bernier? Maybe maybe not? Bernier would have certainly had some pull in Quebec, I don’t know if Conservative Maxime Bernier would have pushed to end supply management when pressured, but Bernier would have likely attacked Quebec and Ontario voters and gotten the attention of Western Canadians who may not have known about him.
I bring this up because the lack of creativity from prior Conservative candidates allowed Justin Trudeau to STRATEGICALLY win the last two elections. A lot of POTENTIAL Conservative voters didn’t show up to vote. Maxime Bernier of the People’s Party of Canada managed to find 800,000+ votes in Canada a number that is still unbelievable to me, especially when you think about how long the Federal Libertarian Party has existed and never came close to the number.
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There is more than one way to skin a cat, and being conservative is being financially educated. People who aren’t financially educated or fiscally responsible, will ALWAYS imagine Conservaites as evil, and why shouldn’t they, how dare people like me put economics before social justice? I think I’m helping to solve poverty by putting economics ahead of social justice, but left-wingers think I’m PURE EVIL for putting fiscal responsibility over lets say a drug addict that’s homeless.
I argue private charities are better suited to fix certain problems, but the left-wingers will say the GOVERNMENT should force people who they think have too much money and resources to PERMANENTLY finance people they believe are of a victim class. I argue that capitalism is ending poverty, they’ll argue capitalism is causing poverty.
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This is the divide Chris Selley and when Conservatives bend their positions to cater to people who refuse to acknowledge economics, liberties, and freedoms, who can blame financially ILLITERATE people for leaning more to the left? When I was wrong, prior to my financial educated, I also thought Conservatives were evil, my only frame of reference was that poor people were dying and rich people were talking about stock market prices going up?
Stock market prices going up USUALLY equates to a better standard of living for the world, but if you have NO financial education, you’ll imagine stock market prices rising as the rich getting richer and exploiting poor people. If the Conservative Party Candidates embrace Chris Selley and his bland political strategies, don’t be surprised if Justin Trudeau wins multiple more elections.
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Tiff Macklem bought up all of Trudeau’s debt, we’re now experiencing consumer price inflation, Theresa Tam locked down Canada and is open to locking down Canada again, she’s one of the reasons why a lot of Canadians can not travel. Why can’t Pierre Poilievre and Roman Baber be critical of these people? Why can’t they appeal to the CONSERVATIVE base with these messages? Conservatives and Liberals aren’t the same types of people, they have different priorities and the Conservative Party moving to the center-right hasn’t worked, Erin O’Toole who had a similar message as Jean Charest did worse than Andrew Scheer and he had more dirt on Trudeau than Scheer had?
Nobody cares about Ed Fast, if Jean Charest and Ed fast have a close relationship, Ed Fast is going to support his guy. There’s NOTHING wrong with that. It’s a non-issue. I find that in the article I’m pointing to below that Chris Selley is reaching. Give er a read!
Chris Selley: Blaming bankers and bureaucrats only lets Liberals off the hook |
Interesting times ahead!