Jagmeet-Justin-Incompetency and Pierre Poilievre Climate Alarmism Agenda, create the Perfect Opportunity For Maxime Bernier and The PPC: Pierre Poilievre says he is not proposing Canada exit the Paris Agreement – November 24, 2023
The Justin Trudeau Jagmeet Singh union has proven to be a disaster, and currently, both the NDP and the Liberals appear to be losing ground to the Conservative Party of Canada, which might win a majority.
But, Conservatives have to be reminded that Pierre Poilievre is still a globalist. Now, I suspect most Canadians have reached a phase where they’ll be happy to dispose of Justin and Jagmeet because at the very least, the expectation is that bank accounts won’t get frozen, the moment the Prime Minister doesn’t like that you are protesting his tyrannical agenda.
But unlike Maxime Bernier, anyone voting for Pierre Poilievre has to be reminded that he’s a TEAM PLAYER, meaning that Pierre’s personal beliefs will ALWAYS take a backseat to the best interests of the Federal Conservative Party of Canada.
The goal of the Conservative Party of Canada is to win elections by attracting as many people as it possibly can under the Conservative’s tent. Polling data suggest that many Canadians believe that the climate is changing and the government should do something about it.
When Conservatives are faced with this tyrannical reality, they often assume that they can change these FAR-LEFT people’s minds with facts. I laugh whenever I listen to some Conservatives who imagine, that a SOFT approach to dealing with these tyrannical leftists will work.
The blueprint, many freedom fighters who came long before I did concluded, that the Left Wingers, and radicals in general, DO NOT believe in DEMOCRACY, and instead see we freedom fighters as NAIVE idiots who will soon become PROPERTY of the Socialists. So, in response, you have the INTERVENTIONISTS Conservatives and the Conservatives like myself, who believe in debating this socialist evil into a NEUTRAL state.
Only God can defeat evil; we imperfect beings can not stop or prevent evil. What we can do is prepare minds for the ascension of evil. Make no mistake about it, the Paris Accord is a DEMONIC cult that seeks to control the economy, which basically means it seeks to control you and I.
Capitalism has worked so well that socialists and communists have been forced to adopt a CORPORATIST model. Instead of Nationalizing industries, the governments of the world provide corporate welfare to corporate entities, it imagine will help them to be more effective, using government LEVERS to change human behavior.
Free Market Capitalism is, of course, the return to corporate bankruptcy. Ford Motor Company, for example, has shown that without government subsidies, its Electric Vehicles would likely BANKRUPT the company.
Now, before you go on a Pierre Poilievre bashing spree, I remind you that Elon Musk is a beneficiary of corporate welfare and a lot of Conservatives have fallen in love with him. Conservatives are indeed hypocritical, and this is part of the reason people who care little about the economics find, themselves obeying the edicts coming from the far-left political parties.
It’s for this reason that Maxime Bernier could indeed be the beneficiary of Pierre Poilievre. If Pierre Poilievre holds firm on his Paris Accord position, he might soon find himself a transitional Prime Minister.
The Paris Accord is not only regulations on the Canadian economy to benefit corporate entities, but it’s also PRICE CONTROLS. And price controls are inherently inflationary for PRICES. So this could mean that prices do not retreat under Pierre Poilievre; instead, GOVERNMENT DEBT is better managed.
One of the annoyances I had under Stephen Harper was the Central Banker he chose, which pushed for ARTIFICIALLY low interest rates, to help Harper pay down the debt. Well, even though the Harper years were better than the Justin Trudeau years by comparison, there was no comparison during the Harper era to a Trudeau, and so Harper was thrown out of office, for making Canadians FEEL poorer.
Pierre Poilievre without saying it, is giving FALSE hope to voters, who will be expecting a return to the Harper years under Pierre Poilievre, but if Pierre Poilievre only plans to cut SOME government spending and shrink the deficit, without addressing the elephant in the room which is the PARIS ACCORD, well, then he’ll soon find himself on the wrong end of the debates, this is why for myself, I’d really like at least one member of the People’s Party of Canada to win an election, because I can already see scenarios in which Conservatives start to distance themselves from Pierre Poilievre.
Currently how I see it, Canadians voters have one mission in mind get rid of “The Jagmeet-Justin,” and they’ll figure things out from there. What I’m getting at is that a lot of what Pierre Poilievre is currently saying is likely going unnoticed, people are only concerned with ending this Jagmeet-Justin social-economic nightmare.
Interesting times ahead!