Joe Biden, ESG and the Pump And Dump Economy: The Bond Market Is Screaming Economic Deflation, But Do Not Forget MACHINE/Automated Trading “Austerity Measures or Price Inflation, New Normal”#LateStageSocialism – December 14, 2023
Keeping this post short, because my position on the modern economy is quite clear at this point, we’ve entered a phase I call Late Stage Socialism, we’re actually being forced into an Austerity Measures scenario, however, humans a MORONS, and we in the West are a bunch of entitled morons, who believe printing fiat money to pay for government is the solution for everything.
So although some are arguing that the Bond Market is telling the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates, this entire market looks like a PUMP AND DUMP economy, meaning that depending on the financial entity, they’re positioning themselves to take advantage of the folks that have ZERO clue what’s going on.
I’m not here to tell you how things will play out, because I don’t know, but what I do know is that the MAIN STREET economy is suffering from a PRICE CONTROLS problem, that can not be fixed with more government spending and cheaper money.
current President of the United States Joe Biden is an Environmental, Social, and Governance(ESG) STOOGE, meaning that in PRACTICE he’s in the back pockets of multiple different financial entities, it should have been impeached already, but not only will Joe Biden NOT be impeached, he might even win a second term.
What a lot of people are not comprehending about ESG is the WELFARE STATE, namely Pensions, social security, and Medicare all the cradle-to-grave welfare crap now resides in the financial sectors, meaning that if these politicians want to keep this SCAM afloat, they either going to have SHRINK government or play along with Fascists.
I’m having to switch my stance on ESG being a corporatist entity to being a Fascist one, because ESG, now has control of the U.S. military, which they’re also trying to undermine, because, a lot of America’s enemies are also compromised.
Yes, indeed the GLOBAL economy is deflating, and the only thing keeping it propped up is CHEAP money, yes, I know interest rates are hate decade highs, but they’re actually still not high enough, and that’s what people aren’t comprehending yet, sure the central bankers can lower interest rates, why not?
But that will simply be REWARDING bad fiscal policies, which will lead to more CONSUMER PRICE INFLATION and more economic deflation. With that said, the U.S. dollar is still the world reserve currency, so if you’re a rich corporation, you can still get labor on the CHEAP in places NOT named America, this is all sorts of bad if you’re living in a Western nation and you’re not comprehending what’s going on.
What’s going on is there is a PRICE CONTROL problem in most western nations, meaning that the consumer price inflation you’re seeing can not retreat without, maybe SHRINKFLATION, or more efficiency, meaning that non-western nations, that comprehend Austrian economics, may actually enjoy a period of a higher standard of living, which to me is hilarious, because Joe Biden has open borders policies promising all of these illegal aliens free crap and already a lot of these illegal aliens are noticing a DECLINE in their standard of living.
Jeff Snider, has taught a lot of us about the EURODOLLAR, and although Jeff Snider, may come to a different conclusion than I do, none of us can get this thing 100% correct, the truth is that there are more U.S. dollars OUTSIDE of the U.S. than there are inside the U.S. meaning that we’ve entered into a period in which anyone with half a brain will go FISCAL policy shopping all over the world.
Now, as this becomes more BLATANT, you’d have to assume at some point that austerity measures will be inevitable, however, how long it takes the world to wake up to that realization is anyone’s best guess. From where I stand right now, it’s pretty obvious to me that the markets, yes even the bond market is playing bond and dump games.
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Interesting times ahead!