Justin Trudeau, The Growth of Government PAYCHECKS and How The Federal Liberals Are DESTROYING The Canadian Pension Plan – January 29, 2024
It’s not politically correct to say the obvious, but Public Sector Workers DO NOT contribute real money to the Canadian Pension Plan(CPP). Public Servants, paychecks are derived from taxes paid by the Private Sector.
To date, the word used to describe the net revenue coming to the CPP is RESILIENT.
“Our diversified portfolio remains resilient, and while we expect these challenging investing conditions to persist for the near term, we are confident that our active management strategy will continue to deliver positive long-term results for CPP contributors and beneficiaries,” said John Graham, President and CEO, CPP Investments.
One of the main reasons the CPP has been struggling revolves around Justin Trudeau’s FISCAL policies, the CARBON TAX, excessive FEDERAL GOVERNMENT regulations on PRODUCTIVE Canadians in the PRIVATE SECTOR, and Justin Trudeau increasing the FEDERAL workforce.
Federal Government workers don’t work for free, and their paychecks are not the result of a more productive Canadian economy, as Justin Trudeau, to cover his Liberal government’s financial shortfalls, continues to BORROW money from the Bank of Canada.
Now, in the PRIVATE sector, if your business ideas SUCK, you go BANKRUPT; no Private Sector Bank or financial institution is going to lend you money if after nine years in business, you’re running higher deficits, but because of modern “Legal Tender” laws, and the forex markets, Canada is able to not only spend beyond its means but also make it harder for itself to generate revenue.
Life is FLUID; believers in socialism like to imagine that the economy should be STATIC, meaning that if let’s imagine Justin Trudeau and the idiots who support his government imagine that the weather is changing and the GOVERNMENT should control the weather, these weirdos, imagine that when the government starts charging a CARBON TAX n the Private Sector, that the private sector should NOT react.
If I’m a business person and my livelihood relies on making a PROFIT, and the government wants to decide what the profit should be, what’s stopping me from deciding that I don’t want to make a profit anymore? Am I not free to make my decisions?
Canadians can still travel to Cuba, a lot of idiot Canadians imagine that Cuba is poor because of “America” and the “embargo.” America has embargos on all sorts of countries; why Cuba is poor is because their FEDERAL government doesn’t believe in INDIVIDUAL property rights, so if I open a business in Cuba and their government imagines that I’m making TOO MUCH money at the Cuban government’s leisure they can CONFISCATE, SEIZE, STEAL all of my property.
Now, if I’m a Cuban citizen and I observe this happening, how likely am I to start a profitable business? Even if I start a business in Cuba, I may INTENTIONALLY make sure it’s not too profitable to avoid the GOVERNMENT from confiscating my PROPERTY.
Well, when Justin Trudeau raises taxes, creates regulations, REDISTRIBUTES property, and attempts to CENSOR those who oppose his uneconomical ideas, similar results start appearing.
People not in business are unaware for example, that Justin Trudeau continues to change the TAX CODE for what he imagines is to HIS government benefit, so not only is Trudeau raising taxes, but his regime is also making it more challenging for businesses in Canada to make a profit.
Now, you might say, yes those rich people should pay more, they’re evil, sure but if these rich people are paying more to the government, they’re also spending less in the economy, and I remind you that the beautiful thing about being rich or wealthy is the ability to LEAVE CANADA.
Unlike America, Canada has an EQUALIZATION scheme, meaning that FISCALLY well-run, Provinces in Canada have their money stolen from them and given to horribly fiscally-run Provinces in Canada; interestingly enough, Justin Trudeau’s largest supporters come from mostly BANKRUPT Canadian provinces that have BLOATED Public sectors.
Canadian Equalization Payment Numbers in 2023
- Quebec: $14 billion
- Manitoba: $3.5 billion
- Nova Scotia: $2.8 billion
- New Brunswick: $2.6 billion
- Prince Edward Island: $561 million
- Ontario: $421 million
Now, why am I picking on the PUBLIC sector? Well, it’s because the public sector doesn’t pay CPP; it’s the BENEFICIARY of CPP. For example, if a private business sells BANANAS, it’s not a secret that bananas have to be IMPORTED into Canada; the government doesn’t buy bananas. A PRIVATE business buys bananas, takes all the risk, to sell to Canadians, who can freely decide that they don’t want to buy Bananas; let’s not forget that, there’s a supply chain that goes into all of this.
Private businesses have to pay employees, and all costs related to these supply chains IN HOPES of making a profit, and these private employers have to pay the CPP, TWICE once for themselves and secondly for their employees; these businesses also have to make a profit now, because of government regulations and things like the CARBON TAX, selling banana’s is a lot more expensive now than it ever was, and for many businesses, they’re reluctant to the pass higher costs of bananas to the consumer.
Well, what’s wrong with that, you ask? Well, then these PRIVATE employers do not pass the full costs to consumers, these private business will then be more reluctant to HIRE more “INCOME TAX” CPP paying employees, and if the private sector is hiring fewer people and Justin Trudeau’s GOVERNMENT who are NOT paying TWICE into the CPP are hiring more people, that’s when you start to comprehend why John Graham, President and CEO, CPP Investments, might start using words like “Our diversified portfolio remains resilient”
Most Canadians in the PRIVATE sector pay more into the CPP than they’ll ever take out; that’s basically the design of the CPP, so in theory, it shouldn’t even need to be that profitable in order to be SOLVENT.
The CPP needs to be massively profitable because of OPERATING COSTS, which include the ever-growing GOVERNMENT workforce and shrinking private sector.
Below is the Trudeau popularity tracker by Angus Reid; if the data does not show up below, you can click the link provided or search for “Trudeau popularity in Google”.
Approve/Disapprove of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau | angusreid.org
Now, if you can comprehend that Justin Trudeau is basically BORROWING MONEY to hire more government employees, you start to comprehend the problem the CPP is having.
Interesting times ahead!