Late Stage Socialism Era of Austerity: The Stupidity of Justin Trudeau’s ESG-Carbon Tax Economy – According to new GDP numbers Dated August 2023, Canada’s economy hasn’t grown since May 2023 – October 31, 2023
Justin Trudeau continues to drag his family name through the mud, and you know the Canadian economy is bad when the statisticians can no longer hide the numbers.
If you follow the Statistics, you’ll notice that whenever the Canadian economy is clearly DEFLATING, they’ll REDEFINE recession or remove the largest contributors to economic DEFLATION from the stats.
Notice I stated DEFLATION: most people see prices rising and assume that the economy is INFLATING; no, the MONEY is inflating because more BORROWED money is being used to HIDE the economic downturn.
The difference between a gold standard and fiat money is that if the FIAT money is accepted domestically or globally, the Federal government can start SPENDING money on all sorts of GOVERNMENT/PUBLIC Sector programs that otherwise would FAIL if there were a Gold Standard.
There is only so much Gold in the world, so let’s imagine ESG was tried under a Gold Standard; it would fail within a Month because physical GOLD invested or PROMISED by other countries to Canada would have to be used to finance the ESG-Carbon TAX fiscal policies.
If the ESG-Carbon tax-based economic, fiscal ideas did produce positive cash flow for the investors and the PUBLIC, the ESG-Carbon Tax idea would be exposed for the FRAUD that it is, however, because we’re on a Fiat monetary system; stupid FISCAL ideas take longer to get exposed because whenever the economy is deflating, Justin Trudeau can run to the bank of Canada to PRINT more money.
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The problem is the around the world, people who INVEST in Canada are finding that their PRIVATE investments aren’t making as much money as they used to, which is why the Bank of Canada is being FORCED to raise interest rates as an indicator to the FOREIGN EXCHANGE markets, that Canada is doing fine and these ESG mandates will work if you give them some time.
Why the foreign exchange value of the loonie(Canadian Dollar) is so important is because a lot of what Canadians CONSUME is imported from other countries. This means that if the Canadian dollar falls in value while Justin Trudeau’s economy is DEFLATING the Canadian economy, the prices Canadians pay for IMPORTED goods will skyrocket.
Late Stage Socialism is what I refer to as the period in which either the fiat currency HYPERINFLATES or the Government is forced to SHRINK. Late Stage Soiclaism is the period BEFORE Austerity, and late-stage socialism can last for DECADES because for example, in Argentina, no matter how many times the Argentine Peso hyperinflates, the Argentine VOTER refuses to shrink the size of government.
Even the consideration of austerity in Argentina is unacceptable to the average voter, and this is one of the reasons why in Argentina today, there is an actual ANARCHO-Captilist politician gaining traction by the name of Javier Milei.
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In Canada, I could make the argument that Canada’s PUBLIC sector is larger than Argentina’s, so why, then hasn’t the Canadian economy suffered the same fate as Argentina? Well, the power of the LOONIE, Canada’s central bank, Canada’s private banking system, Canada’s insurance systems for the most part have held up well, primarily because of the Canadians pay their bills, with that said, Justin Trudeau is creating an economy in which makes it EXTREMELY difficult for Canadians to continue to that.
Personally, I’m 100% against Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), I consider it an Atheistic FRAUD. Atheists, in my opinion, are looking for a God to worship, and ESG fits the criteria for their GOD.
Justin Trudeau’s CARBON tax has been used to GROW the size of his government, and I would like to point out that a lot of government workers in Canada have the best PENSIONS and get paid the highest wages in Canada, and their wages keep pace with Inflation.
So these public sector PRICES that all Canadian taxpayers have to pay, are used to create consumer PRICE INFLATON. Because everytime the inflation rate goes up, the public sector controlled by Justin Trudeau gets a PAY RAISE.
I remind you that NONE of Justin Trudeau’s economic ideas have yielded positive cash flow, which is why this under-is government continues to grow, and the cost to service his deficit grows along with it. Justin Trudeau’s fiscal policies are stupid, his cabinet I remind you, does NOT consist of the best and brightest Liberals in Canada.
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This should give you a glimpse into why the Canadian economy is faltering. People of lower economic and financial intelligence assume that all humans are interchangeable; Justin Trudeau created the first gender-balanced because he was coddled as a child; he was a trust fund baby.
His talent does include the arts; he was a drama teacher, and he speaks English and French fluently, but Justin Trudeau’s comprehension of BASIC economics in both languages would likely be in the low 70s.
Idiots tend to hire IDIOTS, and this is what I believe Justin Trudeau did when forming his cabinet; oddly enough, Justin Trudeau and the NDP are aligned on a lot of things, and many of us in Canada refer to the NDPers as economic IDIOTS.
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I always like to point out that Alberta should NOT be Canada’s most wealthy province. By default, that should belong to BRITISH COLOMBIA, but the voters in B.C. love the NDP, and so they enjoy some of the highest taxes in Canada for their LOYALTY to the NDP.
Well, via Justin Trudeau, all Canadians have felt what it would feel like to have the NDP govern all of Canada, as the NDP is currently responsible for PROPPING up the Trudeau Liberals. So, ECONOMICALLY speaking, Canada has a DUMB AND DUMBER.
Interesting times ahead!