Let’s Talk About ONLINE CENSORSHIP: “We’re at a point, I think, with climate change where there are very few actual deniers left out there,” said Keith Brooks program director of Environmental Defence – October 1, 2023
Keith Brooks program director of Environmental Defence is part of the problem when it comes to creating a market for alternative energies. Instead of allowing the market to create alternatives, which could include fossil fuels and alternative energies, people like him are hell-bent on ONE way of doing things.
The radical approach by people like Keith Brooks is to get the government to bankrupt entire industries to suite his agenda. As you know, most people and most politicians, have little idea what their doing.
Justin Trudeau’s weakness is the economy; Justin Trudeau is a trust fund baby, and Justin Trudeau’s dad, Pierre Trudeau, was a communist sympathizer. Economically speaking, communists believe that the government should control the direction of the economy, which is exactly what Keith Brooks, program director of Environmental Defence, wants the government to do.
For ignorant people like Keith, they imagine online censorship, the silencing of people who oppose their silly agendas as confirmation that their way of doing things is the right way. The online censorship, or claiming the science is settled regarding this “climate change” narrative, allows these radicals to start imagining that everyone wants what they want.
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Truth be told, most people have no idea what’s going on, and the people who have an idea of what’s happening don’t have GOVERNMENT financed platforms in which they can comfortably spew their propaganda unchallenged without debate.
What do we do about this? Well, truth be told, the climate change movement could be the undoing of Western society because, as you’re already observing, China, Russia, and a lot of the BRICKS nations aren’t changing their behaviors, and the West’s only responses are financial sanctions.
You’re seeing the U.S. and other nations putting FINANCIAL and economic sanctions on African nations that don’t go along with their Environmental, social, and corporate governance(ESG) agenda. But you see the problem with these economic sanctions is that most Western Nations are reliant on the developed world to make and manufacture them things for them, so in exchange for these sanctions, the western world, via these climate change alarmists, is experiencing record high INFLATION.
I remind you that the Keith Brooks of the world have only had the bully pulpit for about 3 years now, and record-high consumer price inflation is ALREADY the result. So you can only imagine what the future looks like if this silly ESG agenda becomes the norm going forward.
What these climate alarmists will claim is that their idiot ideas have nothing to do with consumer price inflation and that consumer price inflation is because of some rich greedy capitalists, which even if it’s true, would require I assume more government intervention, correct?
People like myself know that lazy thinkers imagine that PRICE controls will solve problems, but as we all know price controls ACCELERATE problems, which is why for people who see the writing on the wall should start preparing, because in the event these Keith Brooks types win, and start writing laws, the economic collapse is imminent.
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Understand that ESG is online censorship so as the economy gets PROGRESSIVELY worse the Keith Brooks types will make it seem like this is only temporary or it’s not their fault, etc. I remind you that the Great Depression lasted decades, HOWEVER, people who knew PRICE CONTROLS were the main culprits, still found a way to survive, and some even thrived.
If you’re wondering how to stop the Keith Brooks types? My answer is I don’t know, humans like easy answers and a lot of humans are lazy thinkers, and Leftists are hell bent on dumbing down the population so that people are easier to control, so as long as you’re aware of what’s happening do what you know in order to survive.
Interesting times ahead!