Let’s Talk David Johnston: Erin O’Toole Lost the 2021 election, an election I claimed he would win; however, there may have been election interference – June 27, 2023
My thoughts on election interference? There’s a possibility, but I have no evidence or proof to back it up. I will say that when I voted, I was very disappointed in the verification process. I remember leaving and saying to myself I could have voted on behalf of someone else.
But if I’m to be honest, voter fraud didn’t cross my mind when Justin Trudeau won the 2021 Federal election; why? Well, because of his timing, Erin O’Toole didn’t get the chance to sell himself to CanadiansEFFECIENTLY, and when he did sell himself, he came across as an authoritarian, attempting to say anything to get himself votes.
But to be fair to Erin O’toole, a lot of politicians changed their positions BEFORE an election, but because of the timing of the 2021 election, Erin O’Toole wasn’t given that privilege.
When it comes to David Johnston he’s a family friend of Justin Trudeau, and Trudeau gave him the task of looking into election interference. Justin Trudeau, who is by far the most corrupt and tyrannical Prime Minister in the history of this nation, has frequently exercised his RIGHTS as Prime minister.
Trudeau, under the law, has the right to appoint anyone he wants to look into election interference, sure what he did shows his corruption, but this is more so an indictment and learning experience for the Canadian political system than it is of Trudeau breaking the law.
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The idea behind voting for a Prime Minister is the ASSUMPTION that he’ll be of good moral character be a person who would do the right thing in times like these. Trudeau CONSTANTLY spits in the face of Canadians, which is what his LOYAL supporters love because obviously, the near 33% of people who voted for Trudeau can clearly see his grip on power is dwindling, and they like that he’s going down fighting; however, these immoral actions are destroying the country.
With that said, David Johnston was hired to do a job; David Johnston is associated with the Trudeau Foundation and has known Justin since he was a baby; furthermore, David Johnston knew Pierre Trudeau, and if Justin Trudeau is CONVICTED of voter fraud, the Trudeau’s name and therefore the validity of the Trudeau foundation is destroyed.
So, in general, David Johnston is incentivized to do the WRONG thing. That aside, I can now hold my head up high with my bold prediction as to why I thought Erin O’Toole SHOULD have won the 2021 election; for the record, Erin O’Toole did win the popular vote, and I like to point out that Erin O’Toole did this while the other Conservative Party known as the People’s Party of Canada, received over 840,000 votes, which is enormous for a country that has less than 40 million people.
Nothing happens in a straight line, and sometimes things have to get worse before they get better; my ancestors dealt with worse; the good thing about modern Leftists is that all the people who subscribe to that ideoo=olgy are getting MENTALLY and, in many instances PHYSICALLY weaker every single day, while Liberty lovers day after day are getting the fuel they need to combat tyranny verbally.
As a believer in secession and making Canada a Republic in the future, Trudeau is providing evidence as to why Canada’s current form of democracy needs TO EVOLVE.
I personally dream of the day when Democracy is FINALLY allowed to evolve; as you can see with Justin Trudeau, it is a preview of what happens to humans when they’re DRUNK with power.
In real time you get to witness the relentless support he gets from his tyrannical base. I like to point out that I was an EARLY supporter of Donald Trump until it became abundantly clear that Trump had no intention of draining the swamp; he wanted to create the Swamp in his own image.
In order for democracy to evolve, humans have to evolve, and I don’t think human mental evolution is a lost cause; for example, one of the CURRENT benefits of being in Canada and many other countries vs. the U.S. is our immigration policy, Canada per capita tends to naturalize more citizens of higher IQ than does the United States.
Canada still has a vetting process for immigration, which is why you should be hopeful that Canada will get it right in the end. Trudeau’s incompetence as a leader is one of the reasons why a lot of rules and regulations he put on the economy will likely disappear when he is no longer Prime Minister. Currently, the only “good” thing Trudeau has done for a select group of Canada is legalize Pot.
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Almost all of Trudeau’s spending plans have created negative cash flow, the Federal deficit is at record levels, and the worst part is that there’s no clear path forward. Even if Trudeau continues to win or even cheat to win elections, he will likely be creating more Conservative-minded Canadians in the process.
In the U.S., there are currently about 5 Republicans that would be very influential Presidents, whereas the Democrats currently appear to have exhausted all of their options. Michelle Obama and RFK are the only hope for the Democrat Party at the moment, and in Canada, if you look at the Liberals and NDP, Justin Trudeau is their only hope.
Interesting times ahead!