More Justin Trudeau INCOMPETENCE: House Speaker Anthony Rota, A member of the Liberal Party of Canada, apologizes for honoring a man who fought for Nazis – September 27, 2023
Former now disgraced House Speaker Anthony Rota is yet another fall guy for Justin Trudeau. A quick reminder to people who may not be aware, Former House Speaker Anthony Rota is a LIBERAL. He belongs to the Liberal Party of Canada.
To protect Justin Trudeau, as per usual the Liberal Party UNIFORMLY blamed House Speaker Anthony Rota, when the blame should be on Justin Trudeau. This is very similar to what happened with former now disgraced Finance Minister Bill Morneau.
When Bill Morneau stepped down, via his stamp of approval to administer a $900-million student grant program to a company linked to Justin Trudeau’s family, Bill Morneau was thrown under the bus.
Initially, House Speaker Anthony Rota, who likely hadn’t a clue who Yaroslav Hunka even was, did not want to step down, but if he hadn’t, Justin Trudeau would have rightfully been blamed. If you’re unaware Yaroslav Hunka is a 98-year-old veteran of the NAZI Waffen-SS Galicia Division, which is known as a Nazi division that was ACTIVE in the slaughtering of Jews during the holocaust.
A lot of Nazis had little to do with PHYSICALLY going out of their way to kill Jews, but in the case of Yaroslav Hunka, we’re reminded that certain FORMER regions of Russia WELCOMED Nazis with open arms, and in case you’re wondering this is why there are actual NAZIS in Ukraine.
Ukraine used to be a part of Russia, although we’re being forced fed a one-sided narrative, the history of Ukraine and Russia is more complicated than “Russia bad, Ukraine good.”
As I like to point out National Socialism(Nazis) and Democratic Socialism(USSR) are very similar, why Nazis are viewed as worse than Russians is that Nazis based their socialism on NATIVISM/RACISM where as Democratic Socialism doesn’t prioritize race.
But if you lived in Russia during the Nazi era, becoming a Nazi may have been to your benefit, as the Communists in Russia were just as if not more brutal than the Nazis. A reminder that the Nazis didn’t last very long in comparison to the Russian Communists.
The whole Neo-Nazi movement still refers to themselves as national socialists, so for someone like myself who ECONOMICS is centered, I see a lot of what Justin Trudeau is doing as DOG WHISTLING to the white supremacists, who are not fans of capitalism.
I’m a capitalist, and Nazis hate people like me because people like myself promote FREE MARKETS; being a National socialist, you don’t want a FREE MARKET; you want SOCIALISM for white people; you want protectionism for your RACE; you want cradle-to-grave WELFARE for the white race.
If you’re not paying attention to ESG (ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance), it’s cradle-to-grave welfare for the mostly WHITE elites. I like to remind people that the NAZI PARTY was a labor union party. Nazi is an acronym for National Socialist German Workers‘ Party.
The term “National Socialism” arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of socialism, as an alternative to both Marxist international socialism and free-market capitalism.
Even to be fair to the Nazis, many of them are confused as to what FUELED demand for the National Socialism. First and foremost, most poor people DID NOT like Capitalism; why? Because especially back in the Nazi era, some of the capitalists, by today’s standards, DID exploit the working class, and their lack of education.
This exploitation by some capitalists gave rise to Communism, which is nothing more than an extreme form of socialism that seeks to have a ruling class control the means of production by replacing the market economy with something more CENTRALLY controlled.
Well, obviously, this silly communist idea didn’t work, and this led to a DEMAND for something different. Jews, because of the oppression they received in Europe, tended to have higher IQs by NECESSITY, JUST TO SURVIVE; and so inevitably they ended up just like today in positions of economic and political power.
Jews as a group, regardless of the economic system, tend to rise to the top; this is very similar to Chinese people. Oppression often leads, to certain cultures, adjusting their behavior to guarantee their survival, and Jews accumulating wealth collectively regardless of the economic system, leading to a lot of RESENTMENT, by Christians and atheist whites who imagined some sort of CONSPIRACY theory.
I have to also point out that Nazis were also against Catholics; when you do your actual research on Nazis, they were mostly ELITISTS; if you know about the KKK and other racist groups in the U.S., they were filled with CATHOLICS whites, a lot of the racist’s groups in the U.S. hated Nazis, as the Nazis were too extreme for even them. A lot of Klan members in the States were merely trying to protect their White European-American heritage.
Knowing what I know about ELITESTS, I believe that they know how to DOG WHISTLE each other. Trudeau’s actions and behaviors and lower IQ led me to believe that he was actually trying to dog whistle to his base.
A lot of white supremacists in positions of power imagine THEMSELVES as leaders of the world. Hitler was ARROGANT, Nazis were and still are arrogant, they’re elitists in every sense of the word, they imagine themselves as more important than you and I.
I can still imagine how Bill Morneau felt when he had to step down to protect Trudeau or how Anthony Rota must have felt having to step down to protect Trudeau. When you’re a capitalist, you think AHEAD, but Left Wingers and Socialists, in general, imagine that they’re doing something for “the greater good,” and therefore, these types of individuals will often SACRIFICE themselves for SCUM.
House Speaker resigns over Nazi veteran’s invitation to parliament
Trudeau is going to go down as one of if not the WORST Prime Ministers in Canadian history, now imagine you will be one of his accomplices. What’s happening right now will all serve as the timeline for the worst PM in Canadian history.
We’re not talking about ONE scandal; we’re talking about multiple scandals under Trudeau, many of them linking Justin Trudeau to something RACIST. Trudeau did buy off the media, and even the Conservative media has done everything in its power to make Justin look incompetent instead of evil.
But if you ask me what I think, I feel like Justin Trudeau is LAUGHING at the situation; he’s a kid in a candy store, looking for creative ways to garner support. Quebec is known as Canada’s most racist province; their French HERITAGE allows them to get away with acts considered racist in English-speaking Canada, and a lot of English-speaking Canadians like that about Quebec.
Anyway, although I could write more, this is only a quickly written blog post.
Interesting times ahead!