NewsWeekly Tribune Scam
If your reading this good job on doing your research first. It’s always a good idea to research anything before you sign up for it. Many people get simple because they do not read and they do not research. So good job for doing yours. Now instead of me just telling you that NewsWeekly Tribune is a Scam what i’ll do is just tell you what i think you should kow before getting involved with anything on that page.
Now if you were to click on any link on that page you will notice that it will bring you to some “Google Home Income” by the way it’s November 29 2009 while i’m writing you this message so it may or may not have changed. Well it will bring you to this order page and on it you should scroll down to where it says terms and conditions. when you click that a new window will appear and it will tell you about the fees.
What I did was copied it brought over here for you to read and check out for yourself i highlighted the important parts below.
revised as of 08/31/2009
Material Terms and Termination.
By purchasing this product, you agree to adhere to the termination agreement as outlined on the order page, confirmation of order page, and confirmation email. Furthermore, any free trials that may or may not be offered with this product are only free during the said allotted time of the free trial period; the free trial period is 3-days starting on the date signed up. If you have not cancelled the free trial within the free trial period (if offered on product purchasing), you are agreeing to purchase the material and/or service at a monthly reoccurring cost of 76.97 USD.
This can be cancelled by contacting customer service at 877-204-7404 and stating your desire to cancel said material. However, in order to not be charged any future reoccurring cost, please give ample time (2 business days) to be cancelled out of any reoccurring billing system before the next scheduled charge to your account (this does not apply during any trial period). If you are not completely satisfied with your subscription, contact our customer service at 877-204-7404 anytime within your trial period to request a full refund. Email cancellations will not be accepted. However, in order to not be charged any future reoccurring cost, please give ample time (2 business days) to be cancelled out of any reoccurring billing system before the next scheduled charge to your account (this does not apply during any trial period). Not canceling trial programs constitutes authorization, by you, the buyer, for any charges (as outlined) for the associated service until your request to cancel has been received by our customer service staff. You also agree that by purchasing this product, you will be given access to digital material outlined in the members area. No physical product will be sent to your home or business address. Please allow up to 2 business days for email responses.
if that sounds bad to you actually i’ve seen worse where people actually get enrolled in like 4 -5 different programs. I think google has since banned these companies or made it hard for them to survive but on yahoo and bing they are still living strong. Well there you have it, If you would like to make some money i highly recommend you check out the programs below. they all pay i dont require you to buy anything.
1.)This first one is my favorite very easy to get started and making money. Everything is self explanitory
2.)I like his mostly for the education because they help get your own online buiness started from scratch, this company is real work at home job. Takes a bit of getting used to, but when you get it you can soon be making tons of money.
3.)This next site i use to take surveys one of the first survey sites i ever joined.
4.)Many people online are familiar with this one much like the inbox dollars but a wee bit different also they tend to have more programs to make you more money. But at times they pay less per program if you get what i mean.
5.) last but not least get paid to read emails
please leave any comments or questions below
just wanted to say thanks lol, thought it was fishy when no matter what i clicked on it went to the sign up page. thanks again x