Politics Destroying The Internet: “New ways Google is tackling spammy, low-quality content on Search” Let’s be honest: It’s all about the U.S 2024 Federal Election – March 8, 2024
Keeping this post short and straight to the point based on my personal REVIEW of the changes happening to Google search, which, in fairness, has been talked about for years now, revolves around politics and the pressure politicians and lawmakers have put on social media to CONTROL information.
Navigating your way to the truth is going to get a whole lot harder in the years ahead. One of the reasons I don’t believe in corporate welfare is because welfare is socialism, and eventually, socialism becomes NATIONAL.
National Socialism, democratic socialism, and your patriotic duty all fall under central authorities wanting to have the ability to control things. Some entities begin self-regulation on their own.
It would be irresponsible for me to say that Google is in the back pockets of anyone, but as a businessperson, I do think that it’s often wise to self-censor to avoid being targeted by the government.
What am I getting at here? This actually happened during the 2020 election cycle and also during the Covid-19 pandemic. Google was censoring content back then; I assume their engineers did whatever they did to make sure information that didn’t align with the powers that be was disallowed from their search results, because one thing definitely didn’t happen during the pandemic, spammy information did not disappear.
If you’ve used Bing, for example, or Microsoft, they have a lot of Advertising that is hard to distinguish from unbiased content; these native ads, which exist on Google and Facebook, also cause way more destruction than “spammy” content; nobody is going to read, watch or listen too.
Most people recognize spam or useless content and move on, and a lot of reputable websites have a lot of SPAM. Imagine the mind of someone who takes CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News as unbiased, truthful content.
As I stated with chatGPT and other similar AI innovations, they’re going to be an extension of the people who create them. Because there is a political process, Ai, will NEVER be truthful, in fact, I expect AI, to start telling lies at an accelerated rate, because it has to.
If for example, a Left Winger designs an AI app and the Left Wingers don’t even refer to the minimum wage law as price control, and they don’t teach the AI app that price controls have historically needed to be constantly updated once implemented because THEY DON’T work as advertised, the AI, as the economic conditions are not static and government setting an arbitrary number for the market place, is merely a POLITICAL solution, the AI bot at best will shine a light on th positives and negatives, and instead of referring to my example “minimum wages” as a political solution, it will make the claim that minimum wages can be viewed as an economical solution.
AI is NOT allowed to come to it’s own solutions, in fact, a lot of people want to make sure AI is not allowed to come to its own solutions because they feel it will create death and destruction, which could be true, but what I’m getting at is that a lot of what imagine as truth has been sold to us by BIASED POLITICAL sources.
We’re no longer able to debate ideas as a species, and what Google is making clear is that it’s going to concentrate on eliminating what it considers to be “spammy” content. The timing of this new release appears from my point of view to be politically based. I think they’ve intentionally made it politically based to dog-whistle to the politicians that they’ll be in compliance and will not seek to interfere in the 2024 election.
In closing, Google already has a proven business model, “Google that” is still a thing, however, if their search results start becoming biased POST election, they’re screwing with their own proven business model, and despite what people think, it is possible for Big Tech giants to lose their standing as a reliable source of information online.
I love YouTube, however there’s certain content I don’t look for on YouTube anymore, YouTube is now imagined by people like myself as a source for “Vanilla content” a lot of content creators are SELF CENSORING themselves on YouTube, so if you want deeper insights into anything, YouTube is now being avoided.
If you think this can’t happen with search you’re wrong, especially if you fail to comprehended that searching for things may indeed evolve to something we’re not familiar with at present. Human beings aren’t static, and I like to remind people that in practice, most people DO NOT want a Nanny State.
So, whenever a private entity embraces a Nanny State agenda, that private entity eventually will feel the wrath of the public. So in my opinion as was the case with the 2020 election I do expect changes, but I’m curious to to see if these changes will be permanent.
Because spammy content doesn’t appear to be a huge problem on Google, keyword targeting in search mostly revolves around those “SEO experts” who target specific keywords, however it’s not like the people below them offer any better content, or are worth rewarding, as many people are merely trying to offer value for ONE keyword in order to spam their listeners with garbage content on the backend.
MSNBC,FoxNews, CNN, offer a lot of JUNK, and the loading speeds along with the advertising that come for those websites are annoying. have you ever been on MSNBC for example? It’s a horrible experience, sites like these get rewarded by Google, and we all know why.
New ways we’re tackling spammy, low-quality content on Search
Interesting times ahead