Get Ready For Currency Wars: The U.S Dollar Selloff Continues, buy your cash producing assets now before Dementia Joe Biden Regulates, Malinvests and Raises Taxes!
Gold sold off in U.S dollars today, as people run into what they hope will be high yielding stocks they can sell off for more in the future, this means all sorts of troubles for the Biden administration and investors are thankful for Donald Trump who will fight and give investors more time to positions themselves as Dementia Joe Biden hungry for power gets ready to start proclaiming his new very expensive edicts.
So, for most of us, we know socialism usually requires massive insolvency before the common people start to push back against it. More than half of America really hated Trump and think Hitler’s grandchild could have run against Donald Trump as a Democrat in this election and still won.
Progressive really, really hate Donald Trump and what this means is that most of Bidens supporters have no idea who Joe Biden or Kamala Harris really are, but they’ll figure it out in the coming months. So apparently there’s a vaccine ready which is supposedly pushing upmarket prices, but everyone knows, this vaccine won’t be ready for months maybe even years and everyone also knows there will be a stimulus, there’s a name many of us already have for Joe Biden, malinvestment Joe Joe Biden is by far the dumbest President in U.S history and being that Donald Trump will go down as the most hated Presiden in History, you can already begin to imagine what the future holds.
I’m reading all of the places about all of these rallies taking place for Joe Biden, when in fact people are dumping U.S dollars, nobody wants to be in U.S dollars, and in when the time is ripe the currency wars will begin, because the welfare states of most Western and even Communist nations are dependent on strong U.S dollar, Japan, Germany, and Switzerland as an example have gone negative, dating back to the Obama administration, so everyone get ready for what happens next.
Dementia Joe hasn’t begun spending yet and the U.S dollar has already sold off, now the question floating around is what’s going on with Gold prices? Well, as I like to write about, Oil will benefit from Dementia Joe, Paris accord my ass, oil sticks are going to go up by default, who cares about Paris, the U.S dollar will be debased, and people forget the dirty energy process involved in creating clean energy.
Well, pro-green Joe is going to be very beneficial to the dirty energy sector IF YOU POSITION YOURSELF CORRECTLY. Now I don’t know what Dementia Joe will do to American energy companies, that’s up in the air, but Joe and Kamala are going to Paris, they will be making American lives more expensive and taxes in the U.S are going up, so if you have half a brain you want to get the hell out of the U.S dollar because Dementia Joe will be taxing the hell out of you and the media is going to convince you that it’s for the greater good of society.
The Public school Teachers unions spent a lot of money on Joe Biden to make sure they can indoctrinate American children into financing their retirements, so malinvestment Joe is about to deliver on his promises to bail out the U.S insolvent public sectors, all of this malinvestment equates to dollar debasement and CURRENCY WARS!
Make no mistake about it, we’re in the Obama years all over again, and if people forget, the Obama years revolved around currency wars, there was no Obama recovery, there were currency wars, candidate Trump pointed out currency wars, President Trump participated in it, by convincing Jerome Powell to lower interest rates.
Well, Biden from an economic standpoint is a really stupid man, who genuinely believes that the U.S economy under Obama recovered and he also believes that Donald Trump was merely a beneficiary of Obama’s economic success story, so you do the math in your head and look into the future!
Gold sold off you say? Did it really? Are you sure it sold off or do people see other assets that will help them to buy more gold in other currencies in the future? The currency wars have just begun!
Interesting times ahead!