The Jagmeet Singh ‘corporate greed’ charade and The Government Media Dependent On Tax Payer BAILOUTS, Jagmeet Singh vs. Galen Weston, Do you trust a Politician to supply you with food? – February 22, 2024
I actually view Canada’s media from a different perspective; it’s still unclear to me what Canadian media would be without the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC).
You’ll hear “Conservatives” make noise about defunding the CBC, but the media problem in Canada stems from the CRTC, which shaped the modern media in Canada. Canada doesn’t have U.S. problems with media; in the U.S., money from all over the world gets plowed into their media, and obviously, because the Democrats lead the charge for CORPORATE Welfare in the United States, the media in the U.S. leans to the Left.
In Canada, outside foreign media doesn’t have that same privilege, as CRTC serves as a buffer to prevent what happens in the U.S. from happening in Canada. So what you’ll find in Canadian media is that the media will align itself with the Political Party in power.
Well, better I say the majority, of here the votes go, because if for example, Pierre Poilievre becomes Prime Minister, the privileges afforded to Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh which include the soft questions, media adherence to MISINFORMATION, the presumption of innocence, the excuses given to the Leftists in the face of racism and blatant corruption, will be a privilege Prime Minister Poilievre will not enjoy.
For example, the Canadian Press allowed Jagmeet Singh to get away with the lies that corporate greed is fueling higher prices. Are Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh weak men? If you’re unaware, Jagmeet knows mixed martial arts, and Justin Trudeau has stepped foot in several boxing rings.
So, if the claim is that prices are too high, one has to ask, why are Jagmeet and Justin allowing these greedy corporations to get away with it? This corporate greed didn’t show up when Stephen Harper was in power; why did Loblaws become wealthy in 2024?
When Justin Trudeau, with the help of Jagmeet Singh, raised taxes and grew the government, was this free? The government gets its revenue from debt and taxes; that’s how the government pays GOVERNMENT employees, and corporations pay a lot of taxes.
Private Sector Income taxes that are used to pay Government employees DO NOT exist without PRIVATE entities like Loblaws. In Canada, we have a lot of Crown Corporations, which are state-owned enterprises that have monopolized an entire industry.
State-owned enterprises in Canada, not only prevent entire PRIVATE industries from being created, they’re also inefficient and result in FEWER taxes being created. For example, CMHC is responsible for stabilizing EXPENSIVE housing prices in Canada.
CMHC doesn’t only help Canadians qualify for mortgages they otherwise wouldn’t qualify for; the CMHC also offers mortgage-backed securities, which are BACKED BY THE CANADIAN taxpayer.
Majority — including two-in-five past Liberal voters — say Trudeau should step down |
CMHC is the perfect example of how Crown Corporations create PRICE CONTROLS. The Canadian Dairy Commission (CDC) another Crown corporation, is designed to make sure prices remain profitable for everyone involved in that Canadian supply management cartel.
Trudeau government increased federal employees 40% since election in 2015 |
Spending on the public service has also grown since the 2019-20 fiscal year, increasing by 32-per-cent
Bryan Passifiume
Published Jul 10, 2023 • Last updated Jul 10, 2023OTTAWA — Another 21,000 federal workers hired since last year has brought the total added to the federal public service since Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was first elected to 98,268, according to information published online by the Treasury Board of Canada.
The federal public service, now at 357,247 employees, is nearly 40 per cent larger than it was in 2015, when the Liberals took power, when it counted 257,034 employees.
These PRICE controls in everything Dairy help to FUEL higher prices for consumers; MARKET demand doesn’t fuel prices in anything the CDC has control over. Crown Corporations, which include the Central Bank of Canada, set PRICE targets and stick to them, and the taxpayers have to make the best of whatever prices these CROWN CORPORATIONS create.
Higher prices have little to nothing to do with Loblaws, if anything CDC related says this is new price for eggs, Loblaws has to obey, and pass the cost over to consumers. If Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh say that the climate is changing and their united government is going to fight back by charging a CARBON TAX, Loblaws has to obey, what Loblaws doesn’t enjoy, that Jagmeet Singh and Justin Trudeau enjoy is a CENTRAL BANK, willing to finance it’s debt no matter how badly run Loblaws is.
Convicted attempted murderer invited to reception with Trudeau in India
If Loblaws can not make a profit, shareholders will DUMP the stock, and if Loblaws is viewed as unprofitable, unlike the Canadian government, it will have a hard time finding anyone to PRINT MONEY for it.
Hardeep Singh Nijjar told Trudeau he was innocent in a 2016 letter. Here’s what it said
You see when Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh run a federal deficit, they pass the COSTS over to us, the taxpayers, and you have to remember that the only way to stop Justin Trudeau from running perpetual deficits is to vote him out of power, something Jagmeet Singh won’t allow, because I believe in 2025 he qualifies for a pension, that STARTS at $45,000 when he’s 55 years old.
After briefing on intel, Singh says ‘clear evidence’ India involved in B.C. killing
Now, think about having a PENSION that pays you $45,000 when you’re 55 years old, and all you have to do is prop up Justin Trudeau until 2025, and then the Canadian media is willing to prop you up. Who’s greedy in that scenario?
You also have to remember that the Canadian bought-off media also have similar goals for their retirement incomes, so once you comprehend the PUBLIC SECTOR greed at play, everything starts to make more sense.
Below is the Trudeau popularity tracker by Angus Reid; if the data does not show up below, you can click the link provided or search for “Trudeau popularity in Google”.
Approve/Disapprove of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau |
This silliness that only the private sector can be greedy, in my opinion, is primarily the result of the CRTC; although some Canadians comprehend how evil these people are, not enough people understand it, because the average Canadian has NO financial education and has little comprehension as to how government rules, regulations, taxes, monopolies and SPENDING, make Canadians poorer.
Interesting times ahead