Universal Health Care, Regulations, Welfare and why Market-based Health Care System Should Be Implemented – October 27, 2019,
Via taxation, the people who work are subsiding the people who do not work, now it’s one thing to not to be an able-bodied person who requires government assistance, it’s another thing to be an able-bodied individual who is consuming more than he or she producing. The main factor fueling the welfare state is regulations and of course, price controls. All of these mechanisms were designed by governments to solve problems the government deemed necessary because at a particular moment in time Free market forces weren’t able to keep up with the demands of the population.
Worst than Universal Health Care is an overly regulated health care system. Regulations, in general, shrink the pool of sellers of a particular service or product because via government edict, costs to do business are artificially raised, which creates a higher barrier to entry, which in turn equates to only the richer companies or the richer people being able to start a business in a particular field. Once this happens not only are there fewer jobs but there are fewer options for consumers.
Also once a government regulation is created, in order for a business to even become operational it has to qualify, this, in turn, puts greater strain on employees delivering services, to appease the government regulators and this, of course, leads to fewer people getting into particular professions. Now, with all of these regulations, Welfare or qualifying for some sort of Government assistance becomes more appealing, which equates for more demand for welfare, being that via regulations the government has created a monopoly that becomes complex and hard to understand, Universal welfare for all via the government starts to gain traction. Currently, every single Democrat politician is no longer uttering the words by JFK “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,” Democrat supporters are demanding their leaders offer them something for free.
Public Sector Workers Do Not Work For Free, Employees Can’t Print Money To Benefit Wall Street
Now, something for free actually equates to a portion of the population doing all the heavy lifting while another segment of the population reaps all the rewards. This is of course what leads to unionization because once a public or even a private-sector working group gets special status why shouldn’t they unionize? Now, being unionized has its pros and its cons, the cons are the bureaucracy involved, being that each individual has his or her own demands inside of a union, these individuals will obviously always be open to collective bargaining and this process obviously makes the cost to do business more expensive.
As the cost to do business explodes, these costs get passed onto consumers, but worse still services come down. Someone has to pay for welfare, there’s no getting around it when people talk about the Venezuelan economy crashing, what’s ignored was Venezuela’s giant welfare State. You don’t have t work in Venezuela, you also didn’t have to work very hard in Venezuela, a lot of times when people from the Western World visit 3rd world countries what’s so shocking is the number of people that do nothing all day.
Poverty starts in the mind, for some people a roof over their head and 1 or 2 meals a day is enough, sure they’d like to get more, but if they don’t have to work, why should they? In a commonsensical world, welfare has a price and government regulations have an even larger price tag and now because of Obama bailout out the banks and Donald Trump basically doing the same thing, more and more people are being rewarded for NOT WORKING!
Barack Obama Bailed Out The Banks, Donald Trump is doing the exact same thing, Employees are paying for everything!
Yes, people will point to the rich as the problem, but a large segment of America’s Poor, who consume welfare live like rich people in comparison to most 3rd world nations. In California as an example, they have tent cities, there lots of countries who have no tents! Poverty typically begins with Government regulations and then it trickles down to the workers. There’s no free lunch. The point of a civilized nation is for people to work and save and via the money they saved from their work, they use it to fund their retirements.
Via personal and corporate welfare, this system has severely damaged, regulations, so people know, is corporate welfare. Minimum wages s an example benefit big companies because they can afford to pay it, the small and medium-sized business can’t pay the government regulations, so often these businesses have to be creative, no minimum wages is actually an excuse not to work. How do you measure poverty if the government sets wage prices? If there’s no barrier to entry there’s no excuse, once layers of barriers to entry are created consumers pay with higher prices.
In health care what’s happening is human capital is suffering because of government regulations, people who could be simply working 30 hours a week have to work 40+ hours a week, why? Because the cost of living goes up. Prior to the government growing and expanding the Welfare State, a lot of people would quit jobs because back then people could live off of their savings, a common thing back in the day was paying your rent for a year, people would pay their rent for the year and then try to pursue their desires. People can’t do this anymore, do you want to know why? GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS AND GOVERNMENT WELFARE!
Weare and regulations cost money and as the article below describes, humans are opting not to do labor-intensive jobs anymore. It’s not like humans liked doing it before, but it’s worse now because the incentive to work hard is dwindling. There needs to be a reconsideration of the Welfare State because once health professionals decrease, with an aging population, humanity has a huge problem on its hands!
In short, a lot of what Doctors do could be done by non-registered doctors, via government regulations, Doctors and Nurses must be registered by some government agency in order to provide particular services, this doesn’t only raise prices it also puts restrictions on what non-registered professionals can do.
Now, a piece of paper doesn’t guarantee anything, people can sue anyway, recommendations are one thing, but government-enforced regulations create scarcity. If a doctor isn’t performing a particular type of surgery, is a doctor always necessary? Is a Registered Nurse always necessary? I know a lot of people who import non-regulated health care professionals from other countries to take care of their needs. They do this not only because of price, but to avoid government regulations. The government got into marihuana and so far what this has do is it’s increased demand for weed in the lack market. It’s time for people to wake up and accept that the market does things a lot better than the Government.
Health-care system causing rampant burnout among doctors, nurses | washingtonpost.com
Interesting times ahead!