UNPRODUCTIVE Federal and Municipal Housing Policies in Ontario and How Ontario Premier Doug Ford Attempted and Failed To Fix The Problem With The Greenbelt – Why Housing Should Be Left to Municipalities To Fix – September 6, 2023
The question for a lot of people is why did Doug Ford decide to build housing on the greenbelt. A little history about the greenbelt: In 2005, legislation is passed by the then Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty’s government to establish the world’s largest Greenbelt, encompassing the Niagara Escarpment, the Oak Ridges Moraine, and nearly one million acres of prime farmland.
I bring this up, because this was actually a GOVERNMENT created initiative, you could argue it’s its own SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP. There exists a charity called the GREENBELT FOUNDATION, which for obvious reasons wants to protect it’s monopoly on that stretch of land.
Now, personally I’m not picking sides on this issue, this post revolves around Doug Ford was targeting the Greenbelt. The reason Doug Ford was targeting the Greenbelt was to avoid municipal leaders, who are the MAIN culprits of housing problems in Ontario.
I’ve written hundreds of articles that revolve around dissolving the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation(CMHC) a federal crown corporation(State owned enterprise) which to be fair was the Federal Government trying to address the housing problems at the time.
Make no mistake about it, there was a DEMAND for the CMHC, by the Canadian voter who didn’t want to meet the demands of the private banks to either purchase PRIVATE mortgage insurance or put down 20% of the mortgage proceeds as most private banks require. In some instances the CMHC allows Canadians to put ZERO down on a mortgage, I think the CMHC even has a down payment loan option.
The Federal Government was trying to meet the needs of the Canadian voters by turning Canadians into homeowners instead of renters. Although people can argue that this starts with Pierre Trudeau, my argument here is who cares who started it, there was a clearly a demand for it.
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So what CMHC did all over Canada was fuel a CONDO boom, as it became more profitable for developers to build condo instead of rental housing. Now, if you rent out your condo, it’s your property and therefore you can kick out any tenant anytime you feel like it, furthermore renting out a condo also offers perks that are not common in most rental purposed buildings, like in suite washer and dryer.
So justifiably people renting out their condos began raising their rental prices, now the real disaster CMHC created by CMHC was that municipal LEADERS who make the most promises to their LOCAL voters intentionally LIE because when they can’t deliver on their LIE they push the blame to the Provincial or Federal GOVERNMENT.
Municipal governments often enact all sorts of unproductive and expensive REGULATIONS to build housing in their jurisdiction. Being the Greenbelt was PROTECTED, Doug Ford wouldn’t have to go through all the municipal government nonsense to build housing there. So in a nutshell this is why Doug Ford became laser focused on it.
Now, was it a mistake? Probably, but I can’t blame Doug Ford for trying to fulfil a campaign promise. Will this cost Doug Ford? Probably, but if Ontarians think this problem with be solve, by kicking out Doug Ford and giving Premiers more powers again, voters are sadly mistaken.
Canada in general has reached the “Late Stage Socialism” phase. Late Stage Socialism is a period in which austerity measures are inevitable OR economic collapse is imminent.
Currently the bank of Canada has been aggressively raising interest rates, however housing prices are not retreating, what this tells me is that the Canadian dollar is being DEBASED.
A lot of strikes have been happening and a new market minimum wage is being formed. What this means for all levels of government in Canada however is that they’re going to have to do more with less money, which seems very unlikely in my view.
Nothing Justin Trudeau does is cash flow positive, and the Federal Deficit continues to get more expensive, so this will equate to a standard of living DECREASE for Canadians moving forward.
Doug Ford did try to address the issue, but I suspect he will abandon his housing development plans moving forward. Because Justin Trudeau has done such a terrible job as Prime Minister it’s unknown if a Liberal will become Ontario’s next Premier. People in the know, know why Doug Ford attempted to do what he did, and truth be told based on what I’m hearing from the Ontario Liberals, their plans will make the current situation worse.
Late Stage Socialism also involves the poor suffering for the economic politics they’re voting for. The Welfare State in Canada is inefficiently run and if we were on a Gold Standard Canada would be bankrupt, not only because we sold off our gold but also because our incoherent fiscal policy.
Left Wingers are not real liberals and Left Wingers put social justice ahead of the economy, this climate change initiate as currently constructed is a Left Wing created disaster that use the idea of the earth being destroyed without the Government taking full control over the global economy. This has new Great Depression written all over it.
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Interesting times ahead!